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Etienne Perrin bachdanslesbach
Antitrust Lawyer Paris / Brussels
Seán Fobbe SeanFobbe
International law, human rights and legal data science.
Michael Bressler mibressler
HiWi @tum-elaw. Interested in computational law & technology policy.

TUM, Chair for Law and Security of Digital Transformation @tum-elaw Munich

Chris Kuipers chriskuipers
Coffee | Maker | Open Science | Engineering

Maastricht University Maastricht, The Netherlands

Esteban ch4ne5teb4n
while (alive) {keep learning;}
Hi ! I'am DENZO UCHIWA the owner of BLAST-MD.
Moudather Chelbi vinerya
Generative AI Engineer at Juridoc, M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering from TUM

Juridoc Berlin

MiG mitch-super
AI & IoT Engineer

Sitech Asset Health Center Chemelot, Geleen

CS Student
titanomachy titanomachy
Writing mainly stuff in Python, Nim, JavaScript, PHP, Rust, Go, Haskell. Using Gitea.


Moh. Bugy Ardhytio Yusuf bugyardhytio
Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Student, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

Semarang City, Indonesia

Wenting FANG SocioLegalQuantCoder
Interdisciplinary researcher applying quantitative, empirical, and computational methods to sociology and law.
Ben-Hur Santana de Lima ben-hurs
Apaixonado por transformar dados em insights significativos.



@maastrichtlawtech Maastricht

Alessio Nardin AlessioNar
IT & policy professional. I focus on the use of AI & Semantic technologies for the legal and policy domains


Wilfredo Martel wilfoderek
I am a passionate student in Artificial Intelligence, specializing in semantic search, NLP, transformers, and bio-inspired algorithms.

FullStack Developer | Semantic Search | NLP Ecuador

gooby_esq halfprice06
Attorney @Roedel Parsons Founder
Namrata Tanwani namratanwani
Hi! I'm an NLP Data Scientist. Excited to be here to connect & learn!

United Kingdom

Rens Jansen romjansen
🔮 Developing pan-European legal research solutions at @moonlit-ai

Deloitte Netherlands

Inayet Hadi inayet
Exciting times where tech is at your finger tips, apis, webhooks, llm, learn and share, being thankful

Dreams API Denver, CO

Alexandra Panghe adap7

Maastricht, Netherlands

Daniel Bichuetti danielbichuetti
Founder of @ Forlex

Forlex Brazil

EduardK Tron404
AI Student at Utrecht University Proud alumnus of RuG and @AlphaBit-137
Devansh Khandekar devanshkhandekar
Machine Learning Engineer


Renan Zamboni Gomes RENANZG
He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent.

Premetacrime Patrol Division Metaverse Cop City

Josh Fjelstul jfjelstul
I'm a Ph.D. data scientist and political economist. I do applied statistics, machine learning, causal inference, and game theory.
Johan Lindholm jojolindholm

Umeå University Umeå, Sweden

Yuchen Zhang zycalice
nlp, law, algorithm bias, legal tech
i am just a bot stars interesting projects