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Enki Yan firevenus
Web 3 and Game developer. Fan of Amateur Radio,Road Bike.


Andrei Andreisgl
System Analysis & Development undergraduate, average Arduino and Ace Combat enjoyer. Also known as truce_8492 @ Twitter
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Christian Heider Lindbjerg cnheider
Reinforcement Learning, Neural Representations, Graphics, Vision, Speech, Signal Processing, GIS

MapsPeople A/S Denmark

Josh Estepp jestepp
Robots Electronics Gasoline and Horsepower


Brian P. Gouthro gouthro
A Healthcare & IT Project Manager that moonlights as an AI, IoT and SaaS enthusiast developing tools and resources aimed to make life a little easier.


David Barnett cdavidb82
Network Engineer|Cloud Solutions Engineer I'm always looking for new things, new advice, and new programming experiences.

Independent Bedford, IN

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Christopher Mattar 3DCoded
3D printing enthusiast, fluent in Python, Java, and Swift. Author and maintainer of the 3MS, DynamicMacros, and KlipperMaintenance.
Iwayemi Taiwo tobi-2008
I'm a passionate frontend developer with over a year of experience in building responsive and user-friendly web applications.

Greenlab Microfactory Akure, Ondostate,Nigeria

Victor Michael Rodriguez layeredesign
Useful quality 3D printed products designed and made in the USA.

LayereDesign Texas


Cantonment, FL

YVES Yves31820
Photographe Amateur Printeur 3D


Yatin Khurana yatink-ci
Hacking stuff till it all burst into flames. [Work Account]

Uttar Pradesh, India

phaedonv phaedonv
- Remember, An empty search history reveals more than a full one. - Until we meet again!

Restaurant at the End of the Universe

好奇小喇叭 ChenadSH
Full stack development.

Grey Group ShangHai

Manu TupperLP

Germany, Worms