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Agustin Arce aarcex3
QA Tester

CLT S.A Asuncion, Paraguay

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Nahuel nahuel-rtms
Fullstack developer

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Nicolas Messer nicolasmesser
@lewagon Batch #1470 Web Development – Freelance web developer and SEO. Volunteering development time for non-profit World Fit Foundation.


Margret Riegert nobodywasishere
Developer @kagisearch &

@KagiSearch Boston, MA

Duke Nguyen dukenguyenxyz

University of New South Wales Sydney

Ariel Santos ariel-codes
♥️ Ruby; ♥️ Web Platform; ex-(coltecano, CompSci) @ UFMG

Singulate BH, Brazil

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
vishal hirawat hirawatt
Writing software and building gizmos!

planet earth

David Arellano wanosoft
Senior Mobile Engineer, passionate about making the world a little better line by line.

@HeadspaceMeditation MX

Alexander ADAM alexanderadam
Software developer in Zug / Zürich / Switzerland

@vade-io Zürich, Switzerland

Marco Roth marcoroth
Rubyist, Full-Stack Devloper and Open Source Contributor

Basel, Switzerland