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Alex, Adith adithom
i like to complain about overfitting
Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

Machine Learning Engineer

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mershab Issadien Mershab99
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C. Clarke"


Flyman zhangmx
Dig a hole and jump in it.Never lied
Pedram Safi pedramsafi
Robotics/AI, UAS Software & Simulation

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Ameene ameene770
Control Systems, Python, Matlab, C++
Pat cforcomputer
Memes and dreams and a whole lotta... code?

MIT OCW Groningen, The Netherlands

Mehmet Recep Aşkar Kametor

Interlabs Advanced Technologies Ankara Turkey

Aliasghar aliasghar1379
Embedded Software and Hardware developer (0_0)

farahoush Iran

Hao WEN wenhao12111
A student from the City University of Hong Kong. My research interests include robots, point cloud-based perception, and autonomous driving.

City University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong. Tat Chee Avenue. Kowloon Tong

Konrad Simon konsim83
PhD applied mathematics, large scale simualtions, multiscale methods in geosciences, computer vision/graphics

Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart, Germany

weiyang wy-z
凡大道有争者, 皆为歧路, 有穷尽处
Marc Fielding marcfielding

San Francisco Bay Area

João Marcelo jmsf3
Computer Engineering Undergraduate @ CIn-UFPE.

Recife, PE

张兆鹏 cheungsiupaang
Ph.D candidate, Nankai University Motion Planning; Aerial Manipulator; Task Planning

Nankai Univ. Tianjin City, China

Tony Dunbar tdunbar

ScienceATL Atlanta, Georgia, USA