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This organization was marked as archived by an administrator on Aug 14, 2023. It is no longer maintained.
Julien THOMAS julien-devatom
I create bugs, and I resolve them. Co-founder & lead dev at Morpho labs With provencal roots

Morpho Labs Provence, France

Ben Bassler benbaessler
21, full-stack engineer building stuff on Farcaster and @ponder-surveys

Munich, Germany

ABIMS mr-abims
Blockchain Developer

Lagos, Nigeria

refcell refcell

@ethereum-optimism United States

Nuno Edgar Nunes Fernandes nunoedgar-invest

Edgar Technologies & FasterCapital Lisbon, Portugal

Ameya Deshmukh ameya-deshmukh
Doing what I love @SeismicSystems. BITS Pilani CS Class of '24. Interested in all things privacy, distributed systems and blockchains. Remilio.


utx0_ utx0
Degen Coder
Kono kononetsss

South Korea, Seoul

Osgood OsgoodSchlatter
I'm Osgood and I like programming and physics Telecom SudParis - INSTN

INSTN France

Tristan Martin - Morpho Tristan22400
Smart Contract Hacker at Morpho Labs
Guillaume Claret clarus
Security researcher at @formal-land 🌲 for Web3 applications Applying the 🐓 proof system to find all the vulnerabilities.

Formal Land Paris

Kartik Setia kartset
OSS Enthusiast | work - @Accunai | Ex- @realpensive | @schoolog | @codevidhya | Maker | Entrepreneurial

@realpensive Jaipur, Rajasthan

Control the narrative; Control the outcome. ::: Previously @ubiquity :::
BAICE libaice
self growing

life-long learning, life-long growing World Citizen

Orpheus Lummis orpheuslummis
public-interest technologist
Jenesis J3n3sis
Blockchain Hacker & Cryptographer
Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

Erwan Beauvois eswak
Professional buidler

Toulouse, France

Hilliam T. HilliamT
Previously @gsr @splunk

London, United Kingdom

Brett Henderson bretth18
software engineer & musician. computerdata.eth




zachi.eth memoriaXII
Be private. Grow in silence.
Nour Rammal rammalnour
Final year Computer Science student at Télécom SudParis-Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Télécom Paris | Télécom SudParis | ENSTA Paris Paris

Nosy software engineer with a passion for innovation and well written code 🚀

Deep down the web3 rabbit hole

Tche tcheee
Always learning.


Merlin Egalite MerlinEgalite
Commoning finance @morpho-labs Cofounder 🦋 Former Smart Contract Hacker @kleros ⚖️ & Web3 Dev @commons-stack 🌱

Morpho Labs Earth