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Soham Pal e-eight
Computing Sciences Researcher II at The University of Arizona.

The University of Arizona Tempe

IBCHGenomic IBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Pangenome, Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Deep Learning Poland

__z__ alpinebuster
😶‍🌫️ The continuous rain does not know that spring has gone, and once it clears, I realize that summer is deep.


Irene Farah ifarah
Research associate for @GeoDaCenter at UChicago

UC Berkeley San Francisco

summ summ2020

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

Krishnan Shankar krishnans2006
Computer Engineering @illinois | Formerly @tjcsl @tj-uav @HackTJ | Creator of @chesscord

University of Illinois /home/krishnan

Jeremy Bell fourzerosix
Dolphin Whisperer

@niaid Rocky Mountain Laboratories

Ernst Bablick ernst-bablick
Software engineer, expert in programming distributed applications such as workload management systems (Open Cluster Scheduler former Univa Grid Engine)

HPC-Gridware Germany

Schaudge Schaudge

Shanghai, PRC

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Sasank Desaraju sasank-desaraju
MD/PhD student building neural network solutions to biomedical problems

University of Florida

Alex Klymenko alxkm
Software Engineer specializing in Java and Spring, with a keen interest in computer science and ml
Babak Hemmatian BabakHemmatian
Research Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. M.S. in Computer Science, Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, both from Brown.I study discourse narratives

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 405 N Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801

Ambrish ambreshbiradar9
Love to Learn


Joel Ibaceta joelibaceta
Software Engineer, Fintech Expert, Technical Advisor, Digital Nomad, Open Source Contributor, Investor

Lima, Peru

Bing Zhang bingzhang


Rashmil Panchani Rashmil-1999
Naming Variables is tougher than developing features

National Center for Supercomputing Applications United States

Fletch MatheuFletcher
Nerd interested in variety of topics whether cybersecurity, 3d printing, general software dev and the like.
Thihan Moe Kyaw thihanmoekyaw
Hello, Welcome to my Github!


Nathan Chapman NonDairyNeutrino
High-Performance Computational Physics | M.S. Student | Physics Lecturer

Central Washington University Washington State

Joshua K Min jkmin3
Greetings! I am a grad student studying data analytics/science at University of Illinois working at StratCom at UIUC as a data analyst intern.

StratCom and Marketing Champaign


Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va.

Aldo Adirajasa Fathoni fathonix
Learning and trying to be better in every way, everyday.


Chuck Geigner chux0r
Deconstruction, alchemy, and cheap parlor tricks. Recovering perfectionist. Go/C/Bash/React

University of Illinois Urbana, IL


Universithy of Illinois Urbana

Ryan Disney Lightoscope

University of Illinois

Vismayak Mohanarajan Vismayak
Research Software Engineer at University of Illinois.

National Center for Supercomputing Applications