Fábio Alves Martins Pereira
Front End Web Dev / Computer Science Master's Student / Data Science MSc. Student
Giovana Meloni Craveiro
Computer Science graduate at the University of São Paulo. Currently following a masters course in Artificial Intelligence.
São Carlos, SP
Alef Iury
Machine learning researcher and computer science graduate student focusing mostly on automatic speech recognition, sound event detection and bioacoustics.
Universidade Federal de Goiás Goiânia, Goiás - Brasil
Kathy Reid
Does #opensource goodness. Currently @ANUcybernetics in Canberra, AU and @common-voice. Ex @NVIDIA @mozilla @Deakin @MycroftAI @linuxaustralia
she/her pronouns
@anucybernetics Geelong, Australia
Daniel Peixoto Pinto da Silva
Computer Scientist from Brazil. Bachelor's degree from the Federal University of Technological-Paraná. JS addicted.
Sorriso - MT - Brazil