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Panter AG Brno - Czech Republic

Radoslav Zeman radoslavzeman

@bratislava Bratislava, Slovakia

Jakub Kubista JakubKubista
Founder & CEO @

@utima-solutions Brno, Czech

Dominik Míček Ballonek
I am a fullstack developer at @notum-cz with over 5 years of experience in developing web applications using JavaScript (React, node.js, strapi, and more...)

@notum-cz Ostrava - Czech Rep.

Tereza Dohnalová terezadohnal
IT student with focus on Web Technologies. Web design enthusiast.

@notum-cz Brno

Kryštof Svatoň Svatex
FE Dev

Czech Republic

Tony Nguyen TonyNguyenJs

Notum Technologies Brno

Technnik JannikZed
Software/Application engineer I have an army of VMs and containers willing to do anything for me Germany

Michal Landsman landsman
{"bio": { "work": "ex-cto @graet; ex-cto @trisbee", "hobbies": " programming; sci-fi; rap; youngtimer cars; green-energy; linux; geek to the last byte!" }}

Prague, Czech Republic

Jiří Mouka moucznik
I love front-end developement and beautiful designs.

Notum Technologies Brno Czech Republic

Ondrej Mikulcik omikulcik
Strapi Constultant @notum-cz


Gabriela Jankovičová jankovicovag
What do I do for a living? - My best <3

Notum Technologies s.r.o. Brno