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Maxwell A. Fine afinemax
I am an energetic graduate student studying astrophysics (📡💫) at the University of Amsterdam. I have a keen interest in Fast Radio Bursts.

@universityoftoronto @UniversityofAmsterdam @CHIMEFRB Arda

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Tomas Cassanelli tcassanelli

Universidad de Chile Chile

Linux User, Java, Python, React \ Interests: data science, sci-fi, fantasy

Denver, CO