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Mark Belanger mbelanger0
Electrical and Computer Engineering Student at Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
Yichen Jiang yjiang0929
Software engineer at Amazon Robotics. Graduated from Olin College of Engineering.

Amazon Robotics Cambridge, MA

Declan Ketchum declanketchum
Recent grad from Olin College with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Krishna Suresh krish-suresh
Hi, I am a PhD student at the CMU Robotics Institute. Have a great day!
Colin Takeda colintakeda
⚙️ Mechanical engineer, photographer, and mediocre coder

Olin College of Engineering Greater Boston Area

J Lovelace lovelacej18
Undergraduate student with research interests in marine robotics and computer vision projects.

Stevens Institute of Technology

Kelly Yang kellyyang0
Hello! This page has some of my projects in Python.
Benji Pugh BenjiPugh
Electrical and Computer Engineer. Interested in Logic Hardware, Firmware, and Machine Learning. Alum of Olin College
Dexter Friis-Hecht dfriishecht
Electrical and Computer Engineering student @ Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering. Passionate about all things robotics and computer vision.
Akshat Jain akshat-creator

@olincollege Needham

Carter Harris CarterKoopa
Student at Olin College of Engineering


Samantha Coleman sam-coleman
Software Engineer @microsoft, @olincollege '23

Microsoft Boston, MA

Bobby Grogan BobbyGrogan
20, Downers Grove IL, Babson College
Gibson Munene Gibson10
I am a full stack developer

OpenFarm Boston United States

Alan Xu alanxurox
Tech Entrepreneurship & Business Analytics @ Babson