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Eremite Shipley 3r3m1t3
An experimental hibakusha-fixer, devoted circle-squarer & something-naut expendable.

Umbrella Corp. / NWYT Dep-t. Glocal

Matteo Larrode MatteoLarrode

University of Oxford Oxford

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Xiaoyi (Mimi) Chen mimichengolf
MSc Social Data Science @ Oxford Internet Institute
Zihao Fu fuzihaofzh

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

alakabv alakabv


Eoin Delaney e-delaney
Postdoc working on Explainable and Trustworthy AI

Dublin, Ireland + Oxford, United Kingdom

David Feng DavidFeng-GitHub
Studying computational social science at Oxford

University of Oxford

Cory Salveson argotechnica
CTO @ Cumulus Labs

@Cumulus-Labs L'Étoile du Nord

Sergei Pashakhin paskn
Researcher with Chair of Political Science, with special focus on Digital Transformations

University of Bamberg Bamberg, Germany