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Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Velimir Đurković djvelimir
Highly experienced Senior Software Engineer. Proficient in a range of technologies including .NET, Java, Angular, JavaScript, and TypeScript.

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Dieguitux AkesiSeli
Kotlin developer, open source enthusiast. 🍕🇮🇹🍝


sudo pacman -Syu haunt98
Software Engineer from Vietnam

ZaloPay / VNG Viet Nam

Nay Wint Dev naywintdev
Freelancer Blogger

NWDEVBLOG Yangon, Myanmar

Shadik Shadik1
Hello slowly learning


Phil Chu technicat
Just archives and temporary forks here, and the occasional bug report. My active repos are on Codeberg and GitLab. I am not your Copilot.

Technicat LLC Earth

FaffinAboot Barmp
Sysadmin, artist, chicken tender, maker.

British Columbia

Miles Krell mileskrell
hi! 👋 you can reach me on Signal: @mileskre.11

Android @lyft New York City

Nay Wint naywintx
Freelancer Blogger

NWBLOG Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA, USA

expertmanofficial expertmanofficial
Official account of Expert Plus.
Joe Ross joeross
Civil litigation lawyer. Interested in the collision of law & tech policy. Prone to geekery.

Princeton, NJ, USA

7ndr4 Indra2004id
Peace With Love


adb logcat | grep lmao
Danny McClanahan cosmicexplorer
typing free software to break the shoulders of giants from golden handcuffs

DC baby!!!!!

Eric Lathrop ericlathrop
I make games @TwoScoopGames, volunteer @LouisvilleMakesGames, and help organize the the Louisville tech scene @louisvilletech.

@DerbyWars Louisville, Kentucky (KY)

Preston Doster Preskton
engineering @twilio. engineering @hachyderm. board @nivenly. gardening, eurorack synths, and videogames @home.

@twilio @hachyderm @nivenly Dallas, TX

Paul Holloway paul-holloway
Product Owner by day, highly incompetent personal linux server admin by evening. Open source believer.

Kalibrate Technologies United Kingdom