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Asep Hermawan omnitracs7

iTechno Bekasi,Jawa Barat

Marchello Putra Ramadhan sch24r
Linux Enthusiast.

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya

M Rifki Almunawar almunawar12
Tech Enthusiast

Institut Teknologi Garut Garut

Asep Trisna Setiawan Aseptrisna

PT LSKK Bandung Indonesia

adi permana omgimbot

Universitas Bandar Lampung

pow kimmyxpow

Zi.Care Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

ITB de Labo - ITBデラボ itbdelaboprogramming
Collaborative research to develop the advanced technology of NIW (Japan) and increase product design innovation from ITB (Indonesia).

ITB de Labo - Nakayama Iron Worls Bandung