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Chris Brooks kurisubrooks

Sydney / Tokyo

Tezel Celebi tezelcelebi
Robotics Engineer

Cyprus Robotics Famagusta, Cyprus

Shivanik Raj Sabharwal batcomputer
Electrical engineer. Google Udacity Nanodegree Scholar
Ankush Singh ankushKun
I build stuff

@betteridea-dev Earth 616

Rajaneesh R r-rajaneesh
Hello I am Rajaneesh, I am a student from India done with my Schooling.

Coimbatore, India

Very new here, still figuring it all out. "Learned to code" in QBasic in community college but ive picked up a little bit along the way. Patience appreciated.
Salim Ali Salim-Ali-94
i am an engineer working in the field of full-stack development

HealthDart South Africa

Diego Alejandro Flores Quintero diegnghtmr
Systems and Computing Engineer passionate about software development and project management. Seeking to solve problems with technology and teamwork.

Universidad del Quindío Armenia, Quindío, Colombia

Tomas Basham tomasbasham
Software Developer at @statuscake, hobbyist maker, baker and food lover. Coding since GeoCities.

@StatusCakeDev London

Matteo Raffaelli L0hack3r
Ingegnere Informatico, Ingegneria Robotica & Automazione Work in Progress, Aspirante Elettronico
Nelson Benevides benevides

Førge Sistemas São Paulo

Nida Nur Efe nidanurefe
Computer Engineering Student at ITU


Trev Allen pondhopper
After Fortran and punched cards, nothing ever seemed the same...


Mojo Craft mojocraft

China Hebei Qinhuangdao

Ferhat OZ Karakoyunlu
Richard Ashton DrRJAshton
C++ Excel

Beddington North

Dale Ianni daleianni

Coventry, CT, USA

NotBerrie NotBerrie
Python, C & C++ dev
jonms jonmorrissmith
Abstract artist, concrete realist and a ruthless bookie.

United Kingdom

DamianPosada damianp91
Ask me about backend development in Java, Python, or C, database optimization, or Linux system administration. I'm also happy to share experience with process