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Chris J chrisjimenez

@timedotcom Brooklyn, NY

Colin Young colinyoung
Software Engineer @rewindai

@rewindai Chicago

Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Customer Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

南知 nanzhipro

nanzhi HangZhou

Jack Hayter jackhayter

@janeapp Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jay Hickey jayhickey

Rewind AI Seattle, WA

Laeeth Isharc Laeeth
Hacker, trader, aspiring live player. Former co-CEO / Executive Committee member of Symmetry Investments ($11bn hedge fund) where I directed tech across firm

Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited London

Heidi Liou HeidiLiou

New York, New York