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Guilherme Caldas guilhermecaldas
Developer and lover of opensource projects. I want to thank the community, collaborating and giving back the work I have received for years :)

@ChemisTechlabs São Paulo, Brazil

Nikita Kasaudhan KasaudhanNikki

Softfix Technology(OPC) Pvt. Ltd. Vibhuti Khand Gomati Nagar Lucknow

Henry Mogollón HenryMogollon
Software Engineer & Passionate Developer.

Senior Developer Medellín, Colombia

Aditya Dwivedi kaljitism
Creating Intelligent Systems.


Jeffery Abbott jefferyabbott
Sr. Software Engineer specializing in full-stack web (MERN, Java, Go) and cross-platform mobile development (Flutter)
QuantumGhost QuantumGhost
Software engineer

GPG: 0xB29A14086516184D CTU/CKG

Aditya Raj dhruvaditya
I'm a Competitive programmer and an Android developer, learning and exploring the domain of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and data science.

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh

adhil-dev adhil-bit
backend dev @ lithostechnosoft.

Lithos Technosoft Calicut, Kerala

David.Gao DavidAlphaFox
Make Lisp great again.

Tongjiu Internet Technology Dalian,China

Jimmy Shiau jimmyshiau

Potix Taipei, Taiwan

Adem 4demozdemir


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
xianshengliu ldy1691github
soft dev FX trade

gu shu beijing haidian

Mr. Tayyab Mughal tayyabmughal676
Founder Of ParholikhoCS. Senior Full Stack AI Mobile Application Engineer. IOS, Android, Flutter, Python, FastAPI, NodeJs, and Comic Book Writer.

Parho Likho CS United Arab Emirates

Mohammed Abdelraheim Alemam (Mopilani) Mopilani
Talented software engineer, developer, and Data Scientist. passionate about building innovative solutions. Master at Dart, Flutter.

Nexapros Softwares Sudan