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Silen Locatelli SilenLoc
Clean code is tested code, right?

Optravis LLC Basel

Özgür oezguerisbert
Just an ordinary programmer. Software Engineer, FullStack Web Developer.


milan m-vz


Abdullah Isa Markus thedatadudech
Senior Data Scientist, studied Economics with focus on Econometrics and Statistics Languages: Python, R, SQL

Basel, Switzerland

I love Cellular Automata. Name is inspired by the hexagonal pole of Saturn. I used to eat new Javascript frameworks for breakfast. Now only new sveltekits
Oleksandr Riabukha OlekRia
Rust, Elixir, Javascript, F#, C#, Clojure, Lisp. Simplicity worshiper.

Winterthur, Switzerland

Richard Strnad richardstrnad
Senior Network Engineer CCIE #43536

Netcloud AG Switzerland

Lukas 1H0
Hi, I'm Lukas! I like 1's and 0's and work with Penguins 🐧.

Online / 0x7F000001

Yasin Gündüz yguenduez
Software Engineer | Rustacean

Endress + Hauser Basel, Switzerland

BaselHack, Senior Webdev, Frontend, Hackathons, UX / UI, FPV / Drones

@iwf-web Basel, Schweiz

Manuele D3strukt0r
As a hobby I create websites. My strength is back-end development with the framework Symfony and frontend with React

@iwf-web Switzerland