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spencer kelly spencermountain
freelance javascripter, believer in the internet

Toronto, Canada

Alex Nelms nelmsal
MUSA & MCP Student @upenn Researcher @wharton-gis GIS/Data_Analyst @cityofwalnutcreek

City of Walnut Creek & UPenn Wharton Philly, PA

Adnan Abbas Shah adnanabbasshah
GIS Analyst | GIS developer | Machine Learning


Sai Santosh saisantoshv3
#Data #DataViz #PublicPolicy

@factly Hyderabad, India

Connor Crowe connorcrowe
Product Manager | Geospatial & AI Enthusiast | Data-Driven Storyteller

Toronto, ON

“If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent.”   - Alan Turing


Kauê Braga kauebraga
PhD student on transportation engineering. mostly R.


Adam Zhou AdamZh0u
Joy resides in lines.


Dexter McMillan dexmcmillan
Associate Producer with CBC News. Node/Python data harvester. 🌾 Previously: CBC Digital Graphics, CBC Investigative, CBC Local Toronto

CBC Toronto, Ontario

Levi Crews levicrews

UCLA Los Angeles, CA

scott christian mccallum scmcca

School of Cities Toronto

Meiqing Li meiqingli
Assistant Professor at UCF

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Sidd codingeologist
Data Engineer @ Natural History Museum | UNP Data Ecosystem | Python, SQL, AWS, MongoDB, Docker |

@NaturalHistoryMuseum London

ane r v anerv
PhD student @ NERDS, ITU Copenhagen Geospatial Data Science // Mobility // Urban Data


Harry Brown harryrbrown

Wealthsimple Toronto, ON

Connor Feeley connorfeeley
Embedded Linux developer in the broadcast industry | Computer engineer with a background in FPGA design | Nix and Emacs enthusiast

Toronto, Canada

Silver silver331177
A student

USST shanghai

Ananmay Sharan ananmaysharan
Hi 👋 I'm a research analyst at the Canadian Urban Institute. I studied GIS, Human Geography and Computer Science at the University of Toronto.

Canadian Urban Institute Toronto

Sami Ramzi Chibane sami8501
Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Development, geographer specializing in urban studies and geomatics

University of Grenoble Alpes France

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Luis Natera nateraluis
Network Science Ph.D. Mobility 🚲 and cities.


Chris Dinn chrisdinn
Senior Staff Eng @ StackAdapt. Creator of

Cherry Valley, ON

Derek Ellis dellisd
Android @ Cash App

@CashApp Toronto

Richard Eriksson sillygwailo
Lead Customer Support Engineer for Acquia

@acquia Toronto, Ontario

Bilal Karim bilal-karim
Product designer. Building things with design + code at @temporalio.

@temporalio Toronto, Canada

Priya Patel priyapatel1
A graduate researcher at the University of Toronto. Research is focused on using satellite remote sensing on air quality.

University of Toronto Toronto, ON

Jeff Allen jamaps
Maps, Graphics, Cities, etc.

University of Toronto Toronto