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Germany 🇩🇪

Alan Guice badgids
Keep The Neurons Firing

Two Learn Tech Chattanooga, TN

Lilith Vala Xara (Soror Capricornus) LilithXara
Magician, Musician, Actress, Writer, Programmer, Photographer, etc. Private Repo:

Litchfield Cavo LLP Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Luca Talevi farfalk
Freelancer Information Engineer. I love to make people, machines and processes interact together in harmony.
Wesley Bailey thomaswesleyb
Graduated from the University of the South in CS. I love programming and work as a software engineer. I work at the intersection of linguistics and technology

Cvent Inc. Huntsville, AL

Glowstudent Glowstudent777
It’s not a bug. It’s an undocumented feature!


tippfehlr tippfehlr
a student from Germany. I like many things, but especially computers and music.


Tobi John mlopsengr
MLOps | AWS | Rust

United Kingdom

AX xingfanxia
Engineer & Cat Entertainer

Compute Labs Redmond, WA

Gerard Magla germagla
Software Engineer


Icaä ARyOtaRe
Engineering student, learning robotics and data science