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Daniel Morton danielpmorton
Robotics PhD Student @StanfordASL


Harvey Merton hmer101

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


isaac isaac-art
∄ ∄ ∄

Guangzhou, China

WenboLi zhexuezhujiu
I am WenboLi, a student in Anhui University. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.

Anhui University Anhui University

Quill Healey healeyq3

CHAOS Industries Los Angeles, CA

Kiana Jafari ikiana
Human-Centered AI Researcher

San Jose, CA

Bryan Suarez sw00z

Southern California

James Hyungsup Moon jmoon1002
Mechanical Engineering Ph.D Candidate @ SKKU
Aniruddha Mukherjee annimukherjee
CS Undergrad. AI for Social Good / AI in HCI / AI in Healthcare
Laraib Zafar laraibzafarlaraib

PUCIT-Punjab University College of Information Technology

Shahab shahabrrad
Experimenting with different stuff...
Hazen hzchiang
An enthusiastic student developer exploring the realms of coding and technology.

Tianjin University Tianjin, China

Sai Sandeep Damera sdamera95
Graduate Research Assistant

University of Maryland College Park, MD

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Ivan Kharitonov kharitonov-ivan
Research Engineer specializing in Autonomous Driving. Expert in sensor fusion, machine learning, and robotics.

Autonomous Driving

Kwat Medetgul-Ernar KwatMDPhD
Bioinformatician 🧑‍💻🧬 MD-PhD candidate at Stanford 🩺🌲 Vampire 🧛🏼🩸

Stanford Medicine Stanford, CA

Lara Weed Lara-Weed
Bioengineering PhD Candidate at Stanford University
Sandy smiffer67
30+ years in IT. Currently a system admin with the SNHS looking after the LIMS system running on IBMs AIX 7.2. Huge Acorn fan as well as DIY computer building.

SNHS Scotland

Arush Gupta arush-gupta

London, United Kingdom

Mend-Amar Badral MendeBadra
Beginner Julia and Python programmer

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Nur Ahmad Khatim naimackerman
Software Engineer

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Makassar

Shangqun Dong DongShangqun

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an Shaanxi

Aaron Storey astoreyai
Data Scientist | AI Engineer | Digital Health | FinTech

San Antonio, Texas

Song Keunju KeunJuSong
Connecting the dots @nicelabSG

Sogang University, NICELAB Korea, Seoul