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Og Ramos jamiros
I am an Engineering Manager, Writer, Data Engineer and Developer with a focus on empowering people with Data.

Slalom Calgary, AB

Aveek Aveek05

Slalom Dallas

Jihad Hammoudi jhammoudi
Software Developer at Slalom Build

Slalom Build Sydney, Australia

Eric McElroy esmcelroy
Interested in Cloud and DevOps tooling, python projects, and good design.

Toronto, ON

Chris Freyer cfreyer
Software engineering leader, outdoor enthusiast, electronics tinkerer.

Issaquah, WA

Chris Freyer chris-freyer-slalom
Software Architect, IoT device builder.

Slalom Build Charlotte NC

John Reilly Pospos severity1

slalom_build Auckland, New Zealand

Bernie Najlis bnajlis-slalom
AI Engineering

Slalom Los Angeles, CA

Diarte Jeffcoat-McLeod DiarteJM
Associate Consultant @ Slalom

Slalom Charlotte, NC

Aakash Nand aakashnand
Senior Data Engineer

Tokyo, Japan

Joe Stafford joe-stafford

@slalombuild Seattle

Malachi Cunliffe MalachiCunliffe

The University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand

Hao snowsky
Engineers / Father / Love to learn interesting stuff!
