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Gabriel Carvalheiro Ruela GabrielCarvalheiroRuela
Software Engineer | Developer Back-End🔥

Socin Ribeirão Preto - SP

Pedro Favarão pedrofavarao

@socin-econect Ribeirão Preto - SP

Ítalo da Costa Soares Italocosta06

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brasil

Roberto Trintin lrtrintin
Agile Master working for the team to understand and apply the agile principles.

Socin Gravataí/RS

Gabriel Syphan gabrielsyphan
Software Enginner | Backend | Information Systems studant and IT Techinican by IFAL

@socin-econect Maceió - AL, Brazil

Lucas Martins HexMagnus
Hello, my name is Lucas!

Socin / Autonomus Brazil