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Yebelay Berehan Yebelay

Center for Evaluation and Development (C4ED) Ethiopia

Amanuel Tadele amanueltd

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Amrik amrikcooper

@surveycto Cape Town, South Africa

Tiago Maluta maluta
humanist-technologist. passion for product and data, grounded in eng. Now laser-focused on social impact. exploring the future @ Lemann Foundation

@fundacaolemann São Paulo - Brasil


Paris, France

Luiza Andrade luizaandrade
Development research data nerd

@DevInnovationLab Chicago, IL

Merina Islam Mou MerinaMou

BRAC Institute of Governance & Development, BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ibrahim Ambale i-ambale
Hi there! I'm Ibrahim Ambale, an aspiring data scientist with a passion for leveraging data to drive meaningful insights and inform strategic decision-making.

Nairobi, Kenya

Narendra Singh iamnarendrasingh
Torture the data, and it will confess to anything.

@PMA-2020 Jaipur