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horyzen1 horyzen1
cybersecurity enthusiast | discord: @horyzen1 email:

(insert robotics/uav company here) /home/horyzen1

@GeddesRs AVI-ONE
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.

Victoria BC Canada

Jacob Percy JacobPercy
The only person capable of making GUIs uglier than my code.
JP Johnston MSME CSWP RogueRocketeer
Irish-Viking | Ancient-Nerdsmith | Scandinavian-Cowboy | L2 Rocketeer | TRA #21009 | NAR #111636 | Nerd | Geek | Hacker | ME | CWSP | US Army Ranger

Vector Engineering, LLC Woodburn, IN

Sami Elsayed selsayed25
@tjcsl Lead Sysadmin | TJHSST '25 | Own @cardinaldevorg @tcedco @Heliothon

@tjcsl and @cardinaldevorg Northern Virginia

Salban Nithilaselvan spanini2
westfield hs '26

Herndon, Virginia

asrvn asrvn
TJ Space Program | TJ '25

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology

Krishnan Shankar krishnans2006
Computer Engineering @illinois | Formerly @tjcsl @tj-uav @HackTJ | Creator of @chesscord

University of Illinois /home/krishnan

Ritwik Sinha TheCoolGuy123
tjhsst '26

Herndon, VA

Vivian Monaco vivianmonaco99
TJHSST '25 | TJHSST Space Program

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Arlington, Virginia