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John Norman norman02
I am a computer science major at Franklin University
Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
As the open book, I compose projects unlike, inventions. A student's expense to be independent. RubyRosary - A$AP Rocky.
Danila Osipov DanilaAniva
Привет! Меня зовут Данила 🧊 ТГ @LichPlease 🏙️ Живу в Москве Интересуюсь машинным обучением (ML\DS) и аналитикой данных. Развиваю свои навыки


Alberto E. Ramirez AlbertoRamirez1976
Cyber Security Professional

Oceanside, CA

Vicky Guo VickyGuo0907

IBM Massachusetts, US

Ljubomir Josifovski ljubomirj

F9 Research Harpenden, UK

Computer Engineering Student
Anup Jadhav anupj
AI engineer

@Salesforce London

Fabiana 🛰️Campanari fabicampanari
Humanistic AI Data Scientist | Software Dev | Designer | Bachelor in Psychology

@Mindful-AI-Assistants Brazil

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Fabiana 🚀 Campanari FabianaCampanari
Humanistic AI Data Scientist | Software Dev | Designer | Bachelor in Psychology

@Mindful-AI-Assistants Brazil

Rohit rohit129

Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad Prayagraj, India


Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Frank Kurka fkx2016
Conversational Generative AI developer for Text Applications with a focus on new AI Book Creation and Distribution Technology

Newton, MA

AIZEND Ai & International Artificial Intelligence


Dhaneshbb Dhaneshbb
👋 I'm Dhanesh B B, merging data science with finance 📊. Exploring ML, stats, and quant analysis 💻. Let's revolutionize finance together! 🌱 Connect with me.


Thanasis Stamatis stamatis-than
Aspiring Data Analyst

Larisa, Greece

OscarAV OscarArroyoVega
location+timestamp+LLM_ extract_features -> models_to_interact_with_territorial_realities
Alireza Dehbozorgi alirezadehbozorgi
Researcher and Consultant at Xzistor Labs ( & Google DeepMind, London, UK. Senior Linguistics and AI Researcher.

Xzistor Lab Shiraz, Iran

Yuecheng Li 6lyc
I am pursuing an M.S. at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, SYSU. My current research interests include LLM safety, FL, and GNN.

Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China

Buğra Balkaç bugrabalkac

Trendyol İstanbul,Turkey

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧