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Vindhyaa Saravanan Vindhyaa-Saravanan
Finalist CS student @universityofleeds, Aspiring software, ML πŸ€–, cloud engineer πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’», medical computing enthusiast. Seeking full-time roles from July 2025.

The University of Leeds Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Jayita Chakraborty JayitaCh
I work as a Data Scientist at LIDA

University of Leeds Leeds

Jon Elsey JonElsey
Research scientist/software engineer at CEMAC, University of Leeds.

University of Leeds

Oliver Fletcher Revilo117
University student learning to code in my spare time


Shengbo Lu PanosLu


Gyanateet Dutta Ryukijano
CUDA C++ , Pytorch RT, JAX(JIT,Haiku enjoyer, FLAX Flexer) and Qiskit UwU Converts ideas and excitement into code. Fall Grad Student @universityofleeds

@GeForceStudent @Pytorch @NVIDIA @NVIDIAGameWorks @universityofleeds Leeds, UK

tbone toblaroni
Interested in how things work.
Dr Alex Stead AlexStead
Lecturer in Transport Economics, @itsleeds @universityofleeds
