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Mufudzi Christopher MufudziChristopher

Mufudzi Christopher Web Development Solutions Cape Town, South Africa

Electimon electimon
AOSP and Android Device Developer, Legacy iOS Developer.


Denis Kolokol deniskolokol

Self employed Kraków, Poland

SDO seconddayout

Pisces–Cetus filament

Ibrahim Mohammed mapsgeek
GIS Fullstack developer & Cartographer


ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

Francesco Bartoli francbartoli
Security and spatial IT geek with opinionated mind to openness. Hugely passionate of mountain landscape and activities.

@geobeyond Rome, IT

Brandon Orther orther

@carecarinc San Diego, California

Joey Lee joeyklee
Your friendly, neighborhood creative technologist.


Nicolas Godefroy nicolas-godefroy-dev
Software engineer at @Bounceapp

@Bounceapp undefined

Thomas Efer efi

Leipzig University Leipzig

Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Berete Baba 5212BABA

Tomba kanssa Tomba kanssa

David Toy jdtoy

Edinburgh, Scotland

Heckler hecklerponics
Meet hot pull requests at

Local SEO Guide Austin, TX

Dmytro Zelenetskyi zemd
@IKEA, previously @gopuff, @Edgio (formerly @moovweb)

Ikea IT AB Malmö, Sweden

Dominik Schwind lostfocus
I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine.

@pooliestudios Lörrach, Germany

Roberto Santana robertosanval
Full stack developer

Alpex Digital Spain

Tor E Hagemann hagemt
What I cannot create, I do not understand. - Richard Feynman

Currently at JPMC, formerly @easypost, @socotra-marketplace, @socotra, @webex Teams, and @palantir California, USA

Harvey harveyrandall
Frontend React Developer

No Isolation London

Jeff Kao jkao

@radarlabs Berlin / Brooklyn / LA

Richard Eriksson sillygwailo
Lead Customer Support Engineer for Acquia

@acquia Toronto, Ontario