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Robson Piere robsonpiere
Coding, cycling, swimming, running...

@getambush Contagem, Brazil

Svapnil Ankolkar svapnil
@woodsidelabs I am a software engineer based in NYC, previously San Francisco. Previously worked on WhatsApp / IG at Meta.


Sergio Bonatto SergioBonatto
I am the father of Matteo, a Reformed theologian, self-taught, open-source philosophy enthusiast, nerd, handsome, and a non-practicing vegan

Brasília - DF

Darlan Jr. juninhopo
Full Stack Developer

@woovibr Brazil

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Lucas Campardo lucascampardo1
Dev Python | Entusiasta de Ciência de Dados

Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil

Natã Martins natamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard work So don't think, just do it!

... moon...🚀

Hebson hebsonaraujo
Software developer located in brazil.

UOL Brazil, São Paulo

Marcell Guilherme Mazuh
Frustrated inventor.

@MazuhSoftwares BR

matheus oliveira euliveiras
desenvolvedor & entusiasta de açaí

Brasil - Rio de Janeiro

Marcos Vilela marcosvile
Cloud Analyst | SysAdmin | DevOps

Marcos Vilela Montes Claros | MG

Bertoldo Klinger bertoldoklinger
Brazilian Software Engineer 👨🏻‍💻

@do-emserh São Luis I MA

João Paulo joaoreider
Software Engineer | backend, fullstack, TypeScript, Python

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Ruan Aragão RuanAragao
curl -L

@shopmaior && @12min Microcosmos

Agripino Gabriel agripinogabriel
Software Engineer | iOS | Android | Flutter | MSc. Computer Science

@globoi @clappr Belo Horizonte - Brazil


Confidential Brazil

Joel Filho joelbrs
Software Development student, majoring in Computer Science and passionate about technology! :)

CI&T São Luís, Maranhão

Gustavo Dias de Aguiar gustavodiasag
Deeply interested in highly performant systems and languages

@terramagna Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Raiane Caroline Souza Teixeira Ferreira Raiannecaroline
Software Developer | Full Stack | JavaScript | TypeScript | Angular | HTML | CSS | Java | Spring boot | Git | SQL | NoSQL | API Restful | Firebase


Lucas Sell Machado Sellucas
Fullstack Developer | Always learning. Let's build something together!

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Tarsis Lima tarsislimadev
Desenvolvedor Full Stack. Técnico de informática pelo CPS. Experiência em Node.js, Android, AWS e Scrum. Inglês avançado, francês e alemão básicos.

Rio Claro - SP - Brazil

Emanuel Avila meiazero
Researcher and Majoring in Information Security on Federal University of Ceará - UFC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fortaleza, Brazil

Simone Penido SimonePenido
Brazilian Developer

Rio Grande do Sul

Rick Reis rickreisdev
Desenvolvedor Apaixonado por tecnologia | React.js | PHP | MySQL | Node.js | TypeScript | PostgreSQL

Conecta Transportes de Químicos e Equipamentos Industriais Ltda Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil

Carlos Filipe carlozfilipe
Software Developer at @workcenterMA - JavaScript | TypeScript | ReactJS | NextJS | React Native | NodeJS | SQL | Docker

@workcenterMA São Luís - MA

Julio Fiamoncini fiamon
Backend developer

Rodeio, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Henrique Silva hen-wasd
Senior | JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart 💤LazyVim + LazyGit💤

@devmabiti Blumenau, Brazil

Lucas Aguiar lusqua
Full stack engineer I code everything, everytime


Jardel jardelima
Front-end Developer

Index Digital Brasil - CE

Gustavo Jesinski Jesinski
Software Engineering Lead - Mentor - Developer


Robson Antonio Lima Mendonça robsonamendonca
Javacript / C# / PHP / VB6 | MySQL / SQL Server / PostgressSQL / MongoDB | SCRUM / KABAN / MS Azure. / Dart e Flutter / Power Apps / @lram

@lram São Paulo, SP - Brasil

Yago Prieto yagoprieto
Developer back-end Java
Ramon Xavier ramonxm
Mobile Developer work with React Native & SwiftUI

Globo Brazil

Paulo Sérgio paullosergio
Engenheiro de Produção.

Minas Gerais, Brasil

Diogo Moreira diogomoreira
A lifelong learner. Software Engineer. Professor [@] @ifpb. Software Testing/Quality researcher. Open-source enthusiast.

Instituto Federal da Paraíba (@ifpb) Cajazeiras, Paraíba, Brazil

Thiago Thiago-Mota-Santos
Fullstack developer at Woovi | React | Next | Node


Gabriel Palhares gabepalhares
Software Engineer - Typescript, React, Node, Go


Jônatas Martinz jonatasmartinz
☁️🧑‍💻 AWS Certified | Solutions Architect 🧑‍💻☁️ 🇧🇷📍CWB

Cloudnest Solutions Curitiba / PR

Nícolas Brandão nboliv
💼 Software Engineer, 🎓 Electrical Engineer

XP Inc São Paulo

Arthur Cunha arthcc
software developer based in brazil, mainly backend, currently building tech.ears

Utrip Teresópolis

dantxal dantxal
Fullstack developer, react and rust enthusiast!
Felipe Alves felipeverse
Brazilian Backend Developer, Self-taught in English, passionate about Software Architecture, striving to organize the chaos of the real world into code.

VExpenses Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Caio Henrique CaioHVectorA
Fullstack Developer, Electrical Engineering at Universidade Federal Fluminense.


Pedro Bruneli pedrobruneli
working for @BTGPactual .NET | C# | React | AWS | Angular | Typescript | Cypress | Firebase | MongoDB | NodeJS | NestJS

BTG Pactual São Roque

Lucas Silva LuscasLeo
Programming Lover

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Sávio Alves savioalvesx
Estudante de Sistesmas para internet no IFAC

Acre, Brasil