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Veronica Pimenova VeronicaPim
Carnegie Mellon Accessibility Researcher

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

임제인 Jane Im trusttri
Human-Computer Interaction researcher PhDing at the University of Michigan School of Information & Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Gregory Croisdale gcrois
PhD Candidate @ University of Michigan

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

roadlabs roadlabs
保持平和 保持简单


Amy J. Ko amyjko
I'm a Professor at the University of Washington iSchool. I study our individual and collective struggle to understand computing.

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Bella Ge Bellage2003
I am an Informatics student at UW.
Mattia Fregola MattiaFregola
Tall Human, Unusually Experienced.

SplootCode Sydney, Australia

Ian Wang iwangy
UW iSchool '24

LevelTen Energy Seattle, WA