Containerized Midburn Profiles Drupal App
The code and related database data are private and require permissions to download the docker images from private google docker repository.
- Install Docker
- Install Docker Compose
- To run locally - enough RAM and ~10GB of available storage (preferably SSD)
The docker images are stored on a private Google Cloud Repository
- Install Gcloud SDK
- Ask for permissions to the midburn google account
- Login with
gcloud auth login
Pull the images
- DB -
gcloud docker -- pull
- Drupal -
gcloud docker -- pull
docker-compose up --build
Drupal is available at https://localhost DB management web ui is available at http://localhost:8080/login
- Server: db
- User: root
- Password: 123456
- Database: midburndb
To rebuild and restart (if you made changes) just run the up command again
When done, remove the environment and delete all data
docker-compose down -v
- Comment out the lines in
which copy the mysql data directory - Build and run this image - should provide a clean mysql DB
- Download a database dump, e.g. =
gsutil cp gs:/midburn-k8s-backups/profiles-db-production-dump-2018-01-16-11-30.sql dump.sql
- Create Spark DB and import the data
echo "create database midburndb;" | mysql --host= --user=root --password=123456
cat ./dump.sql | mysql --host= --user=root --password=123456 --database midburndb --one-database
- Find the docker mountpath for
and copy the files