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Nette DI

Configure your Orisai CMF/Nette application



Install with Composer

composer require orisai/nette-di


An alternative for nette/bootstrap

  • none of the extensions is loaded by default
  • debug mode is disabled unless you enable it

To use it, create bootstrap class where you preconfigure your application

namespace App;

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;
use OriNette\DI\Boot\ManualConfigurator;
use function dirname;

final class Bootstrap

	public static function boot(): ManualConfigurator
		$configurator = new ManualConfigurator(dirname(__DIR__));


			|| Environment::isLocalhost()
			|| Environment::hasCookie(self::getDebugCookieValues()),

		$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/wiring.neon');
		$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/../config/local.neon');

		return $configurator;

	 * @return array<string>
	private static function getDebugCookieValues(): array
		return [];


In application entrypoint (index.php) - get the configurator, create a container, get the application and run it.

use App\Bootstrap;
use Nette\Application\Application;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';



Add config files

$configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/../config/local.neon');

By default, neon and php files supported. For other formats, add an own adapter:

$configurator->addConfigAdapter('json', new JsonAdapter());

Debug mode

Set debug mode


After you set debug mode, enable debugger

  • Requires Tracy to be installed

If debug mode is enabled and any of configuration files or services changes, container regenerates.

At localhost

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


In console

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


Preferably use env variable for your local console, otherwise debug mode will be enabled in console also on production.

With env variable

Useful for enabling debug mode in console

Set env variable to true or 1

# Set env variable in console for current session
# Or add the line to file ~/.bashrc to set it permanently
export ORISAI_DEBUG=true

Check env variable in bootstrap

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


We can also change the variable name to something else

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


With cookie - manually configured

Set debug cookie in your browser

orisai-debug = really_long_and_secure_cookie_value

Check cookie value in bootstrap

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


Be paranoid and always generate long cookie values like 30+ characters long

We can also change the cookie name to something else

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;

Environment::hasCookie($cookieValues, 'cookie-name');

List of cookie values can be easily obtained from an env variable

  • By default is expected env variable DEBUG_COOKIE_VALUES with values separated by a comma
    • DEBUG_COOKIE_VALUES = val1,val2
  • Spaces around value and empty values are safely removed
use OriNette\DI\Boot\CookieGetter;
use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


With cookie - switched at runtime

Enable debug mode on click in your administration

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;
use OriNette\DI\Boot\FileDebugCookieStorage;

$cookieStorage = new FileDebugCookieStorage(__DIR__ . '/debug-cookie-values.json');
	'' => $cookieStorage,


Register debug switcher and storage as services

		type: OriNette\DI\Boot\DebugCookieStorage
		imported: true

	orisai.di.cookie.debugSwitcher: OriNette\DI\Bridge\NetteHttp\CookieDebugSwitcher

Switch debug mode in presenter

use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
use OriNette\DI\Bridge\NetteHttp\CookieDebugSwitcher;

final class DevPresenter extends Presenter

	private CookieDebugSwitcher $cookieDebugSwitcher;

	public function __construct(CookieDebugSwitcher $cookieDebugSwitcher)
		$this->cookieDebugSwitcher = $cookieDebugSwitcher;

	public function handleSwitchDebug(): void
		if (/* TODO - if not allowed */) {

		if ($this->cookieDebugSwitcher->isDebug()) {
		} else {


	public function renderDefault(): void
		$this->template->isCookieDebug = $this->cookieDebugSwitcher->isDebug();


Create links to switches

{* TODO - render only if allowed *}
<a n:href="switchDebug!" type="button">
	{if $isCookieDebug}
	Stop debug
	Start debug


Add parameters which can be used

	'parameter' => 'value',

When a static parameter is added, removed or it's value changes then container is re-generated.

Dynamic parameters

Dynamic parameter value can be changed each request. Only when parameter is added or removed. then container is re-generated.

	'parameter' => 'value',

Predefined parameters

Configurator define some parameters you may need:

  • %rootDir%
    • base path of your app
  • %appDir%
    • source code path
    • defaults to %rootDir%/src
  • %buildDir%
    • permanently stored cache files
    • defaults to %rootDir%/var/build
  • %dataDir%
    • uploaded data
    • defaults to %rootDir%/data
  • %logDir%
    • log files
    • defaults to %rootDir%/var/log
  • %tempDir%
    • temporarily stored cache files
    • defaults to %rootDir%/var/tmp
  • %vendorDir%
    • third-party source code
    • defaults to %rootDir%/vendor
  • %wwwDir%
    • public directory, should be the only one accessible via webserver - defaults to %rootDir%/public
  • %debugMode%
    • whether application is in debug mode
  • %consoleMode%
    • whether application is in console mode
  • %container%
    • info about container - when it was compiled, name of the container

Load parameters from env variables

Load environment variables and transform them into an array of parameters.

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;


Env variables are transformed into array via pattern PREFIX{delimiter}{NAME-1}{delimiter}{NAME-N}.

  • default prefix is ORISAI and delimiter is __

In following example is how env variable look and the resulting parameters after transformation

ORISAI__SINGLE_UNDERSCORE = single_underscore
ORISAI__UPPER__lower__MiXeD = upper.lower.mixed
ORISAI__UPPER__another__parameter = upper.another.parameter
	parameter: parameter
	single_underscore: single_underscore
			mixed: upper.lower.mixed
			parameter: upper.another.parameter

We can can also change delimiter to e.g. : and prefix to e.g. APP or remove it completely and pass empty string ''

use OriNette\DI\Boot\Environment;

$configurator->addStaticParameters(Environment::loadEnvParameters('APP', ':'));

This method uses $_SERVER instead of getenv() and so is safe to use under any conditions and is compatible with .env file libraries like symfony/dotenv.

Testing mode

Generated container is cached on disk and does not reload unless one of dependencies changed and debug mode is enabled. While this makes sense during application runtime and development, it creates code coverage issues in automated tests. Compile-time code like compiler extensions is executed only once and second time tests are run, code is incorrectly reported as uncovered. This issue can be solved by always reloading container:


In rare edge cases, you may want to test a failing call inside initialize() method of DIC and yet still be able to create container. In that case, force configurator to not initialize container and do it yourself instead:

$container = $configurator->createContainer(false);
// ...

Import services

In rare cases it may be useful to import a service into DI container via configurator. To do so, register service with imported: true.

		type: ExampleService
		imported: true

In the bootstrap add the actual service instance.

	'serviceName' => new ExampleService(),


In rare cases it may be useful to do something only when new Container is compiled. In such case, use the onCompile event.

use Nette\DI\Compiler;

$configurator->onCompile[] = function (Compiler $compiler): void {
	// Do anything you want

Cache warmup

It is useful to create compiled Container on application deploy to speed up first requests.


It's even possible to create multiple containers at the same time

	'consoleMode' => true,
	'debugMode' => true,


	'consoleMode' => false,
	'debugMode' => false,


// etc.

Constants extension

Define constant via define() when DIC is instantiated

	constants: OriNette\DI\Boot\Extensions\ConstantsExtension

	constantName: constantValue

PHP extension

Define php.ini directives via ini_set() when DIC is instantiated

	php: OriNette\DI\Boot\Extensions\PhpExtension

	date.timezone: UTC

Definitions loader

Extensions can accept services in any format which is allowed by services section in the configuration and also accept references via @serviceName to services from services. To achieve this follow example below:

These are all valid ways how to write a service:

	example: ExampleExtension

	referenced: ExampleService
	referencedByType: AnotherExampleService

		string: ExampleService
		statement: ExampleService()
		reference: @referenced
		referenceByType: @AnotherExampleService
			factory: ExampleService

Services loaded via DefinitionsLoader are not autowired by default because they are extension-specific. Autowiring of services referenced via @serviceName or with autowired explicitly set is not changed.

			factory: ExampleService
			autowired: true

Integration of DefinitionsLoader which would load these definitions may look like this:

use Nette\DI\CompilerExtension;
use Nette\Schema\Expect;
use Nette\Schema\Schema;
use OriNette\DI\Definitions\DefinitionsLoader;

final class ExampleExtension extends CompilerExtension

	public function getConfigSchema(): Schema
		return Expect::structure([
			'services' => Expect::arrayOf(

	public function loadConfiguration(): void

		$loader = new DefinitionsLoader($this->compiler);

		$config = $this->config;
		foreach ($config->services as $serviceName => $serviceConfig) {
			$definition = $loader->loadDefinitionFromConfig(
				// service name (in case of @referenced is defined an alias)
				$this->prefix('definition.' . $serviceName)

			// Do anything you want with the definition
			//  - returns Reference if @referenced service was not loaded yet or instance of Definition otherwise


Service manager

ServiceManager is a base class useful for lazy loading of multiple services of the same type.

Internally it uses array of service names obtainable by keys from DI container.

Note: Same as nette/di factories and accessors, this is not a service locator pattern, because obtained services are fully configured from outside.

Example implementation which returns all services and validates they exist and are of certain type may look like this:

use OriNette\DI\Services\ServiceManager;

final class ExampleManager extends ServiceManager

	/** @var array<Example>|null */
	private ?array $examples = null;

	 * @return array<Example>
	public function getAll(): array
		if ($this->examples !== null) {
			return $this->examples;

		$loaders = [];
		foreach ($this->getKeys() as $key) {
			$loaders[$key] = $this->getTypedServiceOrThrow($key, Example::class);

		return $this->examples = $loaders;

Or get services one by one, with possible nulls:

use OriNette\DI\Services\ServiceManager;

final class ExampleManager extends ServiceManager

	/** @var array<int|string, Example|null> */
	private array $examples = [];

	 * @param int|string $key
	public function get($key): ?Example
		if (array_key_exists($key, $this->examples)) {
			return $this->examples[$key];

		return $this->examples[$key] = $this->getTypedService($key, Example::class);


Service manager may be registered in config like this:

	- factory: ExampleManager

You may combine various protected methods of ServiceManager to achieve various goals:

  • hasService(int|string $key): bool
  • getService(int|string $key): ?object
  • getTypedService(int|string $key, class-string<T> $type): ?T
  • getTypedServiceOrThrow(int|string $key, class-string<T> $type): T
  • getServiceName(int|string $key): string
  • getKeys(): array<int, int|string>
  • throwMissingService(int|string $key, class-string $expectedType): never
  • throwInvalidServiceType(int|string $key, class-string $expectedType, object $service): never