This bundle comes with a set of forms that already should make it easy for your users to start sending messages to one another. Sometimes however you want to be able to send a message from your code without any form being involved.
- A welcome message
- A message thread for a team that was just created
- A service notification message
The service container contains a service to compose messages and one to send them. This is probably all you will need in many cases.
To compose a message we retrieve the composer service and compose our message:
$sender = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser(); $threadBuilder = $this->get('ornicar_message.composer')->newThread(); $threadBuilder ->addRecipient($recipient) // Retrieved from your backend, your user manager or ... ->setSender($sender) ->setSubject('Stof commented on your pull request #456789') ->setBody('You have a typo, : mondo instead of mongo. Also for coding standards ...');
Now all you have to do to send your message is get the sender and tell it to send
$sender = $this->get('ornicar_message.sender'); $sender->send($threadBuilder->getMessage());
That's it, your message should now have been sent