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RTT ROS Communications

Nomenclature Warning: A "ROS Service" is a remote procedure call that hapens over the ROS communication protocols and an "Orocos/RTT Service" is a grouping of properties, functions, and data ports. "ROS Services" satisfy a similar role to "Orocos/RTT Operations".


This package serves several purposes. It provides:

  • An Orocos RTT Service for publishing and subscribing to ROS topics
  • Orocos RTT Services for calling and serving ROS services
  • Orocos typekits for ROS message primitive types
  • A template for generating wrapper packages for ROS .msg and .srv files
    • typekits for .msg files
    • transport plugin for .msg files
    • ros service proxy factories for .srv files


ROS Topics

This package provides a global RTT service for creating real-time-safe connections between ROS topics and Orocos RTT data ports.

This package provides two Orocos connection policies: buffered and unbuffered connections to ROS topics. Publishing and subscribing are done with the same command, and the topic type is inferred from the Orocos port type. Connection policies are created with these operations:

  • rostopic.connection(TOPIC_NAME): Creates a connection with a buffer length of 1.
  • rostopic.bufferedConnection(TOPIC_NAME, BUFFER_LENGTH): Creates a connection with a user-supplied buffer length.
  • rostopic.unbufferedConnection(TOPIC_NAME): Creates an unbuffered connection, where the writing thread immediately publishs the message (publishing only). This is not real-time safe.

Note that if TOPIC_NAME is prefixed with a tilde ~, it will be resolved to the process's private namespace, similarly to how topic names are resolved in rospy.

ROS Services

This package provides both a global RTT service and a task-scoped service for facilitating communication with ROS services. The global service, rosservice_registry is used to register factories for creating proxies to ROS service clients and servers. The task-scoped service is ued to bind RTT operations and operation callers to ROS services. In general, users will only use the task-scoped RTT service, similarly to how the rtt_rosparam service is used.

The task-scoped RTT service rosservice provides the following operations:

    • Connect an RTT operation to ROS service. Note that this is the same function whether the RTT operation is an operation or an operation caller.
    • RTT_OPERATION_NAME: The task-scoped operation/operation caller name, with provided/required services separated by dots (like
    • ROS_SERVICE_NAME: The name of the service client/server in the ROS graph (like /some/ros/ns/my_service)
    • ROS_SERVICE_TYPE: The full typename of the service (like std_srvs/Empty)
  • rosservice.disconnect(ROS_SERVICE_NAME)
    • Disconnects an RTT operation or operation caller from an associated ROS service server or client..
    • ROS_SERVICE_NAME: The name of the service client/server in the ROS graph (like /some/ros/ns/my_service)
  • rosservice.disconnectAll()
    • Disconnects all RTT operations and operation callers from associated ROS service servers or clients.

The global RTT service rosservice_registry provides the following operations:

  • rosservice_registry.registerServiceFactory(FACTORY): Register a ROS service factory
  • rosservice_registry.hasServiceFactory(TYPENAME): Check if ROS service type has been registered
  • rosservice_registry.geServiceFactory(TYPENAME): Get a ROS service client/server factory

Code Generation

This package also provides facilities for generating typekits for ROS service types defined in .srv files as well as generating plugins which register ROS service types with the rosservice_registry service.


Connecting an Orocos Port to a ROS Topic

## Imports
# Publish
stream("my_component.my_output", ros.comm.topic("my_ros_output"))
# Subscribe
stream("my_component.my_input", ros.comm.topic("my_ros_input"))

You can also set up these connections in C++ code:

#include <rtt_roscomm/rostopic.h>

// ...

  // Add the port and stream it to a ROS topic
  this->ports()->addPort("my_port", my_port_);

// ...

To create a privately-scoped or component-scoped topic, you can do the following:

// Privately-scoped (resolves to NODE_NAME/TOPIC_NAME)
// Component-scoped (resolves to NODE_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/TOPIC_NAME)
my_port_.createStream(rtt_roscomm::topic("~" + this->getName() + "/my_component_scoped_ros_topic"));

Connecting RTT Operations to ROS Services

To connect an Orocos operation to a ROS service via .ops script from within an Orocos DeploymentComponent:

## Imports

## Load some application-specific component
## Load the rosservice RTT service for this components

## Expose a provided operation of this component as a ROS service
  "/some/ros/namespace/empty", "std_srvs/Empty")

## Expose a ROS service to this component
  "/some/ros/namespace/empty", "std_srvs/Empty")

Making a Package's ROS .msg and .srv Types Available

Generally, you can create a catkin package simply with the create_rtt_msgs script by running:

rosrun rtt_roscomm create_rtt_msgs my_msgs

All this does is create a package with the following CMakeLists.txt and corresponding package.xml:

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS rtt_roscomm)

# Generate typekits for ros .msg files
# Generate the plugin which makes the services in my_msgs available

# Call orocos_generate_package() after the above to export the proper targets
  DEPENDS my_msgs
  DEPENDS_TARGETS rtt_roscomm

The ros_generate_rtt_service_proxies() cmake function will generate an RTT plugin which registers factories for all of the services in the named package when the plugin is loaded.


ROS Services

The rosservice_registry RTT service contains a list of ROS service clients and servers which are associated with RTT operations and operationcallers, respectively. The rosservice.connect operation, inspects whether the first argument is an Operation or OperationCaller. If it is an RTT Operation, it will instantiate a ROS service server wrapped in an RTT OperationCaller to call the operation. If it is an RTT OperationCaller, it will instantiate a ROS service client wrapped in an RTT Operation to be called by the operation caller.

The provided and required services on which the wrapper operations and operation callers are created are private to the rosservice service.


  • Implement typekit generation (similar to rtt_rostopic) so that services can be called from the taskbrowser.
  • Automatically detect the type of ROS service from the service name or the operation signature.