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156 lines (111 loc) · 7.56 KB

File metadata and controls

156 lines (111 loc) · 7.56 KB

The upgrade instructions are available at Oro documentation website.

This file includes only the most important items that should be addressed before attempting to upgrade or during the upgrade of a vanilla Oro application.

Please also refer to for a list of significant changes in the code that may affect the upgrade of some customizations.

5.1.0 RC

Added .env-app files support and removed most of the parameters from the config/parameters.yml in favor of environment variables with DSNs. For more details, see the migration guide.

  • The supported PHP version is 8.2
  • The supported PostgreSQL version is 15
  • The supported NodeJS version is 18
  • The supported Redis version is 7
  • The supported RabbitMQ version is 3.11
  • The supported PHP MongoDB extension version is 1.15
  • The supported MongoDB version is 6.0


The MQ process can take a long time when updating from the old versions if the system has many email addresses (in User, Customer user, Lead, Contact, RFP request, Mailbox entities). During performance tests with 1M of email addresses, this process took approximately 10 minutes.

It is recommended to add these MQ topics to the oro.index queue:



The supported NodeJS version is 16.0


The minimum required PHP version is 8.0.0.


  • The minimum required PHP version is 7.4.14.
  • The minimum supported MySQL version is 8.0.

Directory structure and filesystem changes

The var/attachment and var/import_export directories are no longer used for storing files and have been removed from the default directory structure.

All files from these directories must be moved to the new locations:

  • from var/attachment/protected_mediacache to var/data/protected_mediacache;
  • from var/attachment to var/data/attachments;
  • from var/import_export to var/data/importexport;
  • from var/import_export/files to var/data/import_files.

The console command oro:gaufrette:migrate-filestorages will help to migrate the files to new structure.


The regular expressions in fos_js_routing.routes_to_expose configuration parameter (see config/config.yml) have changed.

Directory structure and filesystem changes

The var/attachment and var/import_export directories are no longer used for storing files and have been removed from the default directory structure.

All files from these directories must be moved to the new locations:

  • from var/attachment/protected_mediacache to var/data/protected_mediacache;
  • from var/attachment to var/data/attachments;
  • from var/import_export to var/data/importexport;
  • from var/import_export/files to var/data/import_files.

The console command oro:gaufrette:migrate-filestorages will help to migrate the files to new structure.

The public/uploads directory has been removed.


  • The minimum required PHP version is 7.3.13.
  • The feature toggle for WEB API was implemented. After upgrade, the API feature will be disabled. To enable it please follow the documentation Enabling an API Feature.
  • Upgrade PHP before running composer install or composer update, otherwise composer may download wrong versions of the application packages.


  • The minimum required PHP version is 7.1.26.
  • oro:assets:install command was removed, use [assets:install] instead.
  • oro:assetic:dump command was removed, use oro:assets:build instead.
  • nodejs and npm are required dependencies now
  • oro_entity.database_exception_helper service was removed. Catch Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\RetryableException directly instead of helper usage.

Upgrade PHP before running composer install or composer update, otherwise composer may download wrong versions of the application packages.


  • To successfuly upgrade to 3.0.0 version which uses Symfony 3 you need to replace all form alias by their respective FQCN's in entity configs and embedded forms. Use the following script to find out which values should be changed.
php vendor/oro/platform/bin/oro-form-alias-checker/oro-form-alias-checker


  • Changed minimum required php version to 7.1


  • A full rebuilding of the backend search index is required due to tokenizer configuration has been changed.


  • Changed minimum required php version to 7.0
  • Updated dependency to fxpio/composer-asset-plugin composer plugin to version 1.3.
  • Composer updated to version 1.4.
    composer self-update
    composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin"
  • The oro:search:reindex command now works synchronously by default. Use the --scheduled parameter if you need the old, async behaviour



  • removed be_simple_soap section.
  • removed authentication_listener_class parameter from escape_wsse_authentication section



  • Removed doctrine section. From now this declaration is located in OroPlatformBundle bundle. Remove declaration of DBAL connections and ORM entity managers from your app/config/config.yml to be sure that an application will work properly.
  • Removed unused report_source and report_target DBAL connections.
  • Added config DBAL connection and ORM entity manager. They can be used as a gateway for different kind of configuration data to improve performance of the default ORM entity manager. For example OroEntityConfigBundle uses them for entity configuration data.



  • Changed definition of framework / templating section. New definition is:
        engines: ['twig', 'php']
        assets_version: %assets_version%
        assets_version_format: %%s?version=%%s
  • Removed twig / globals / ws section. From now this declaration is located in OroSyncBundle bundle.
  • Removed clank section. From now this declaration is located in OroSyncBundle bundle.
  • Removed doctrine.dbal.default.wrapped_connection service.
  • Removed session.handler.pdo service. From now a declaration of this service is located in OroPlatformBundle. Remove this service from your app/config/config.yml to be sure that PDO session will work properly. If you need to override this service, you can keep it in your app/config/config.yml, but make sure that a default database connection is not used here. You can use doctrine.dbal.session_connection.wrapped service if sessions are stored in a main database.


  • Removed app/Resources/DoctrineBundle/views/Collector/db.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/SecurityBundle/views/Collector/security.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/SwiftmailerBundle/views/Collector/swiftmailer.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/WebProfilerBundle/views/Collector/config.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/WebProfilerBundle/views/Collector/logger.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/WebProfilerBundle/views/Collector/memory.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/WebProfilerBundle/views/Collector/request.html.twig.
  • Removed app/Resources/WebProfilerBundle/views/Collector/time.html.twig.