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864 lines (637 loc) · 28.7 KB
.. proposal-number:: Leave blank. This will be filled in when the proposal is

.. trac-ticket:: Leave blank. This will eventually be filled with the Trac
                 ticket number which will track the progress of the
                 implementation of the feature.

.. implemented:: Leave blank. This will be filled in with the first GHC version which
                 implements the described feature.

(Discussion) (Prototype implementation)

We propose a new syntax extension for "or patterns". An or pattern is essentially a list of patterns, where patterns match exactly the same set of variables of same types. The right hand side is shared by all of these patterns, and can refer to the variables matched by the patterns.

Main advantages of this extension are:

  1. With or patterns we can avoid _ wildcard patterns which can unintentionally match constructors as types are being extended.
  2. It allows more code reuse as right hand sides can be shared by many patterns.

An or pattern is an ordinary pattern and it can appear anywhere that a pattern can appear (top-level function argument positions, LambdaCase patterns, left-hand side of <- in guards etc.). To avoid any ambiguities we require parenthesis around or patterns.

There are two motivations as summarised in the abstract.

First, _ patterns make code harder to maintain. They essentially mean "match every other pattern", which also includes "patterns that may be enabled in the future" e.g. when a new constructor is added to a type.

In my experience this is rarely the intention. Usually, when a new constructor is added, we need to revisit functions on the type and update them accordingly. But if functions use _ patterns this is not easy as we won't be getting any compile time warnings about functions we need to update.

This is also against the Haskell way of refactoring programs. Haskell is well known for its features that make refactoring easier than most other languages, but _ patterns actually make refactoring harder.

As an example, GHC developers would know that adding a new constructor to an existing type means many compile-run-edit cycles, with no compile-time help, because of _ patterns. Given that by default we don't get stack traces in Haskell, and also GHC takes a lot of time to build, this wastes GHC developers' time.

Or patterns solve this problem by allowing programmers to explicitly match a list of constructors in a concise way. As an example, suppose we had this type:

data T = T1 String | T2 | T3

We might want to write a function on this like

stringOfT :: T -> Maybe String
stringOfT (T1 s) = Just s
stringOfT _      = Nothing

Now suppose that some time later we add a new constructor:

data T = T1 String | T2 | T3 | T4 String

We need to update stringOfT but unfortunately we don't get a warning because we used a _ pattern.

Or patterns solve the problem by allowing us to do this:

stringOfT :: T -> Maybe String
stringOfT (T1 s)        = Just s
stringOfT (T2{} ; T3{}) = Nothing

This function doesn't match T4, so we get our warning.

Second, or patterns allow more code reuse. In our previous example, we might extend stringOfT to something like

stringOfT :: T -> Maybe String
stringOfT (T1 s) = Just s
stringOfT (T4 s) = Just s
stringOfT _      = Nothing

While this is not too bad (and we can always introduce new functions for similar right hand sides), as the number of constructors increase this becomes repetitive.

Or patterns can solve this problem like this

stringOfT :: T -> Maybe String
stringOfT (T1 s ; T4 s) = Just s
stringOfT (T2{} ; T3{}) = Nothing

Now we have code reuse, and we will get nice warnings next time a new constructor is added.

  • GHC has lots of code like this: (this one taken from compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs, slightly simplified)

    isIrrefutableHsPat pat
      = go pat
        go (L _ pat) = go1 pat
        go1 (WildPat {})        = True
        go1 (VarPat {})         = True
        go1 (LazyPat {})        = True
        go1 (BangPat pat)       = go pat
        go1 (CoPat _ pat _)     = go1 pat
        go1 (ParPat pat)        = go pat
        go1 (AsPat _ pat)       = go pat
        go1 (ViewPat _ pat _)   = go pat
        go1 (SigPatIn pat _)    = go pat
        go1 (SigPatOut pat _)   = go pat
        go1 (TuplePat pats _ _) = all go pats
        go1 (SumPat pat _ _  _) = go pat
        go1 (ListPat {})        = False
        go1 (PArrPat {})        = False
        go1 (ConPatIn {})       = False
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con), pat_args = details }) = ...
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _pat) }) = ...
        go1 (LitPat {})         = False
        go1 (NPat {})           = False
        go1 (NPlusKPat {})      = False
        go1 (SplicePat {})      = urk pat
        urk pat = pprPanic "isIrrefutableHsPat:" (ppr pat)

    Using or patterns this code can be simplified to:

    isIrrefutableHsPat pat
      = go pat
        go (L _ pat) = go1 pat
        go1 (WildPat{} ; VarPat{} ; LazyPat{})
          = True
        go1 (BangPat pat     ; ParPat pat     ; AsPat _ pat ;
             ViewPat _ pat _ ; SigPatIn pat _ ; SigPatOut pat _ ; SumPat pat _ _ _)
          = go pat
        go1 (PArrPat{} ; ConPatIn{} ; LitPat{} ; NPat{} ; NPlusKPat{} ; ListPat {})
          = False
        go1 (CoPat _ pat _)     = go1 pat
        go1 (TuplePat pats _ _) = all go pats
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con), pat_args = details }) = ...
        go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _pat) }) = ...
        go1 (SplicePat {})      = urk pat
        urk pat = pprPanic "isIrrefutableHsPat:" (ppr pat)
  • Even worse from the previous example is code like this (taken from the same file):

    collectEvVarsPat :: Pat id -> Bag EvVar
    collectEvVarsPat pat =
      case pat of
        LazyPat  p        -> collectEvVarsLPat p
        AsPat _  p        -> collectEvVarsLPat p
        ParPat   p        -> collectEvVarsLPat p
        BangPat  p        -> collectEvVarsLPat p
        ListPat  ps _ _   -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps
        TuplePat ps _ _   -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps
        SumPat p _ _ _    -> collectEvVarsLPat p
        PArrPat  ps _     -> unionManyBags $ map collectEvVarsLPat ps
        ConPatOut {pat_dicts = dicts, pat_args  = args}
                          -> unionBags (listToBag dicts)
                                       $ unionManyBags
                                       $ map collectEvVarsLPat
                                       $ hsConPatArgs args
        SigPatOut p _     -> collectEvVarsLPat p
        CoPat _ p _       -> collectEvVarsPat  p
        ConPatIn _  _     -> panic "foldMapPatBag: ConPatIn"
        SigPatIn _ _      -> panic "foldMapPatBag: SigPatIn"
        _other_pat        -> emptyBag

    This has repeated cases like the previous example, and it also has a wildcard, which means this function will probably break next time a new constructor is added to Pat type (this happened many times during the implementation of unboxed sums).

  • Finally, here's an example (taken from GHC's TmOracle.hs) that reflects a programmer's frustration with the lack of or patterns:

    -- | Solve a complex equality.
    solveComplexEq :: TmState -> ComplexEq -> Maybe TmState
    solveComplexEq solver_state@(standby, (unhandled, env)) eq@(e1, e2) = case eq of
      -- We cannot do a thing about these cases
      (PmExprOther _,_)            -> Just (standby, (True, env))
      (_,PmExprOther _)            -> Just (standby, (True, env))
      _ -> Just (standby, (True, env)) -- I HATE CATCH-ALLS

We consider this as an extension to Haskell 2010 grammar. Relevant non-terminal is apat:

apat    →    var [ @ apat]                     (as pattern)
        |    gcon                              (arity gcon  =  0)
        |    qcon { fpat1 , … , fpatk }        (labeled pattern, k ≥ 0)
        |    literal
        |    _                                 (wildcard)
        |    ( pat )                           (parenthesized pattern)
        |    ( pat1 , … , patk )               (tuple pattern, k ≥ 2)
        |    [ pat1 , … , patk ]               (list pattern, k ≥ 1)
        |    ~ apat

Or patterns extension adds one more production:

|    ( pat1 ; pat2 )

The ; between the parenthesis have lower precedence than anything else. Or patterns are associative, so N-ary version ( pat1 ; … ; patN ) is also accepted.

Some examples that this new grammar produces:

-- in expression context
case e of
  (T1 ; T2{} ; T3 _ _) -> ...

-- in expression context
let ([x] ; (x : _ : _)) = e1 in e2

-- pattern guards in declarations
f x y
  | x@(T1 ; T2) <- e1
  , guard x
  = e2

-- nested or patterns
case e1 of
  (((T1 ; T2) ; T3) ; T4) -> e2

Since extensions like LambdaCase and MultiWayIf (in pattern guards) use the same pattern syntax, or patterns are enabled in those too.

The new production doesn't add any ambiguities, because of the parentheses.

Informal semantics in the style of Haskell 2010 chapter 3.17.2: Informal Semantics of Pattern Matching:

  • Matching the pattern (p1 ; p2) against the value v is the result of matching v against p1 if it is not a failure, or the result of matching p2 against v otherwise.

    p1 and p2 bind same set of variables.

Here are some examples:

(\ (x ; x) -> x) 0 => 0
(\ ([x] ; (x : _ : _)) -> x) [1, 2, 3] => 1
(\ (Left x ; Right x) -> x) (Left 1) => 1
(\ (Left x ; Right x) -> x) (Right 1) => 1
(\ ((x, _) ; (_, x)) -> x) (1, 2) => 1
(\ (([x] ; [x, _]) ; ([x, _, _] ; [x, _, _, _])) -> x) [1, \bot, \bot, \bot] => 1
(\ (1 ; 2 ; 3) -> True) 3 => True

More formally, we define semantics of or patterns as a desugaring to view patterns. The desugaring rule is:

(p1; p2)
((\x -> case x of p1 -> Just (x1, …, xn); p2 -> Just (x1, …, xn); _ -> Nothing)
    -> Just (x1, …, xn))

where x is a fresh variable and x1xn are variables bound by p1 and p2. Note that p1 and p2 bind same set of variables.

The desugaring rule defines both static and dynamic semantics of or patterns. An or pattern type checks whenever the desugared pattern type checks. Dynamic semantics of an or pattern is the same as the dynamic semantics of its desugared pattern.

Here are desugared versions of the examples above:

(\((\x' -> case x' of x -> Just x
                      x -> Just x
                      _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) -> x) 0 => 0

(\((\x' -> case x' of [x] -> Just x
                      (x : _ : _) -> Just x
                      _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) -> x) [1, 2, 3] => 1

(\((\x' -> case x' of Left x -> Just x
                      Right x -> Just x
                      _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) -> x) (Left 1) => 1

(\((\x' -> case x' of Left x -> Just x
                      Right x -> Just x
                      _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) -> x) (Right 1) => 1

(\((\x' -> case x' of (x, _) -> Just x
                      (_, x) -> Just x
                      _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) -> x) (1, 2) => 1

(\((\x' -> case x' of [x] -> Just x
                      [x, _] -> Just x
                      [x, _, _] -> Just x
                      [x, _, _, _] -> Just x
                      _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) -> x) [1, \bot, \bot, \bot] => 1

A pattern on a Haskell 98 data constructor (aka. a "vanilla" or "boring" constructor) only binds values.

However with existential quanticiation and GADTs, patterns can also bind

  • Equality constraints

    (a ~ Int in GADT data Foo a where FooInt :: Int -> Foo Int)

  • Dictionaries

    (Show a in GADT data Foo a where Foo :: Show a => a -> Foo a or in existential data Foo a = Show a => Foo a)

  • Existential type variables

    (a in data Foo1 where Foo :: Default a => Foo or in existential data Foo = forall a . Default a => Foo)

The desugaring rule implies that none of the above can be bound by an or pattern. We thus support a limited form of pattern matching on GADT constructors and constructors with existentials.

Below are some examples of accepted and rejected programs. Because GADTs subsume existentials, we only use GADT syntax.

Accepted programs:

data T2 a where
  C5 :: Int  -> T2 Int
  C6 :: Bool -> T2 Bool

f3 :: T2 a -> a
f3 (C5 x ; C6 x) = x
-- desugared:
f3_ds :: T2 a -> a
f3_ds ((\x -> case x of C5 x -> Just x
                        C6 x -> Just x
                        _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) = x

data T3 a where
  C7 :: a -> (a -> String) -> T3 String
  C8 :: Ord a => a -> T3 Int

f4 :: T3 a -> String
f4 (C7 _ _ ; C8 _) = "f4"
-- desugared:
f4_ds :: T3 a -> String
f4_ds ((\x -> case x of C7 _ _ -> Just ()
                        C8 _ -> Just ()) -> Just ()) = "f4"

Rejected programs:

data T1 where
  C1 :: a -> (a -> String) -> T1
  C2 :: Int -> (Int -> String) -> T1
  C3 :: Show a => a -> T1
  C4 :: String -> T1

f1 :: T1 -> String
f1 (C1 x g ; C2 x g) = g a
-- desugared:
f1_ds :: T1 -> String
f1_ds ((\x -> case x of C1 x g -> Just (x, g)
                        C2 x g -> Just (x, g)
                        _ -> Nothing) -> Just (x, g)) = g x

f2 :: T1 -> String
f2 (C3 x ; C4 x) = show x
-- desugared:
f2_ds :: T1 -> String
f2_ds ((\x -> case x of C3 x -> Just x
                        C4 x -> Just x
                        _ -> Nothing) -> Just x) = show x

Binding constraints, existentials, or dictionaries are not allowed even in simplest cases like:

data T1 where
  C1 :: Show a => a -> T1
  C2 :: Show a => a -> T1

f :: T1 -> String
f (C1 x ; C2 x) = show x
-- desugared:
f_ds :: T1 -> String
f ((\x -> case x of C1 x -> Just x
                    C2 x -> Just x) -> Just x) = show x

Even though both patterns bind a dictionary of same type, to keep things simple we currently reject this program. Pattern matching on GADTs in or patterns can be generalized in the future in a backwards compatible way.

Or patterns can be used in "unidirectional" or "explicitly bidirectional" pattern synonyms. For example

pattern Some x <- (Left x ; Right x)

defines a unidirectional pattern synonym, because expression meaning of Some x is not clear. It can be made bidirectional using the bidirectional pattern synonym syntax:

pattern Some x <- (Left x ; Right x) where
    Some x = Right x

Previously this proposal suggested | for the separator. However, | is used for guards, so it's reserved for a future proposal that generalizes view patterns to allow guards inside patterns.

One nice thing about using ; for the separator is that ; is also used for separating case alternatives, so it looks familiar. Example:

case x of p1 -> e; p2 -> e
case x of (p1 ; p2) -> e

An alternative to the originally proposed syntax is using / instead of | to avoid parentheses in some cases. This can't completely eliminate parentheses around or patterns, as the following example demonstrates:

f T1{} / T2{} / T3 T4 = ...

This could mean one of these two:

-- a function with two arguments
f (T1{} / T2{} / T3) T4 = ...

-- a function with one argument
f (T1{} / T2{} / T3 T1) = ...

-- where the argument is defined like
data T = T1 | T2 | T3 T

Another suggestion was to use curly braces around or patterns, instead of parens. However, this causes ambiguities in the syntax. Two examples:

-- Not clear if curly braces are for a do block or for a binding LHS
do { ... } <- ...

-- Not clear if curly braces are for a record pattern (where Foo is a record
-- constuctor) or for an or pattern (matching the argument of Foo)
case x of Foo { ... } -> ...

One way to have some of the benefits of or patterns is to hide constructors of a type and provide constructor and destructor functions instead. Example:

module T (T, t1, t2, t3, matchT) where

data T a b = T1 | T2 a | T3 a b

t1 = T1
t2 = T2
t3 = T3

matchT :: T a b -> ret -> (a -> ret) -> (a -> b -> ret) -> ret
matchT t on_t1 on_t2 on_t3 =
  case t of
    T1     -> on_t1
    T2 a   -> on_t2 a
    T3 a b -> on_t3 a b

This module gives no way to match on values of type T and case analysis have to be done using matchT. When a new constructor is added, type of matchT changes, and so all call sites generate a compile-time error.

However, this isn't as flexible as having or patterns. Most importantly, nested patterns and guards can't be implemented as easily in this style. There're also other smaller problems, for example, there's no direct translation of this expression:

case (x :: T Int Int) of
  T1 -> e1
  (T2 a ; T3 _ a) -> e2

Closest expression to this is:

matchT x e1 (\a -> e2) (\_ a -> e2)

which duplicates e2.

In the absence of or patterns, guards are tried sequentially and only if all of the guards succeeded the corresponding RHS is evaluated. Example:

f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
f (Just x) (Just y)                 -- first case
  | even x                          -- guard 1
  , even y                          -- guard 2
  = Just (x + y)
f (Just x) _                        -- second case
  | even x                          -- guard 3
  = Just x
f _ _
  = Nothing

To evaluate f (Just 2) (Just 1) first two guards of the first case is tried. Because second guard fails, second case is tried and Just x is returned as the result.

In the presence of or patterns, guards are tried after a match in the or pattern. If any of the guards fail, the whole branch with or pattern fails. Example:

f :: (Int, Int) -> Bool
f ((x, _) ; (_, x))
  | even x
  = True
f _
  = False

main = print (f (1, 2))

The program above prints False: matching the pattern (x, _) succeeds and the guard is tried. Because the guard fails, the match is considered as failed, and (_, x) is not tried.

This semantics of or patterns with guards is called "non-backtracking" or "single-match". An alternative to this semantics is called "backtracking" or "multi-match" semantics. In backtracking semantics, when a guard of an or pattern fails, rest of the alternatives of the or pattern is tried. In this semantics result of the example program above is True: matching the pattern (x, _) succeeds and the guard is tried. Guard fails, so next pattern in the or pattern, (_, x) is tried. Match succeeds and the guard is tried. Guard also succeeds, so the result is True.

From OCaml manual:

The pattern pattern1 | pattern2 represents the logical “or” of the two patterns pattern1 and pattern2. A value matches pattern1 | pattern2 if it matches pattern1 or pattern2. The two sub-patterns pattern1 and pattern2 must bind exactly the same identifiers to values having the same types. Matching is performed from left to right. More precisely, in case some value v matches pattern1 | pattern2, the bindings performed are those of pattern1 when v matches pattern1. Otherwise, value v matches pattern2 whose bindings are performed.

OCaml implements "single-match" ("non-backtracking") semantics. OCaml manual chapter on guards doesn't explicitly mention or patterns, but it can be inferred from the text that guards are tested once on a match.

Ambiguous pattern variables explains how single-match semantics can be confusing to users, and explains design of the warning OCaml 4.03 prints when potentially confusing guard is used with an or pattern. The warning works like this:

Suppose we have an or pattern p1 ; p2 ; p3 ... pN, and a variable x used in patterns.

  • x is stable if in all of the patterns it's used in the same location. The paper gives this example:

    ((x, None, _) ; (x, _, None))

    Note that for this to hold the pattern must match a product type.

  • x is stable if none of the pattern can match at the same time. The paper gives this example:

    ((x, None, _) ; (_, Some _, x))

    Another example is when matching different constructors of a sum type:

    (Left x ; Right x)

If a variable used in an or pattern is not stable, it's ambiguous and reported in a warning:

Warning 57: Ambiguous or-pattern variables under guard;
variable x may match different arguments. (See manual section 8.5)

Because we're also implementing non-backtracking semantics, we'll implement a similar warning.

OCaml 4.06.1 doesn't allow GADTs in or patterns, but there is ongoing work for limited GADT support in or patterns.

Racket also supports single-match or patterns. The following expression fails with a match error because the guard is not tried with the second pattern:

(match (list 1 2)
  [(or (list x _) (list _ x)) #:when (even? x)
   (printf "~a is even" x)])


match: no matching clause for '(1 2)

Rust supports a simpler version of or patterns. Relevant section in the language reference doesn't say much about it, but the implementation supports or patterns only at the top layer of patterns. These are fine:

match i {
    Ok(1) | Ok(2) => {}
    _ => {}

enum T {

match x {
    T::T1(a) | T::T2(a) | T::T3(a) => { println!("{:?}", a); }

But this fails with a parse error:

match i {
    Ok(1 | 2) => {}
    _ => {}

error: expected one of `)`, `,`, `...`, or `..`, found `|`
24 |         Ok(1 | 2) => { println!("ok"); }
   |              ^
  • The very first draft of this proposal suggested type checking an or pattern RHS against both patterns in the or pattern separately. This way of type checking is very flexible (accepting many programs that the final version rejects) and desugaring is still possible to do without duplicating RHSs, but it was quickly rejected as "It would add a huge amount of complexity to a basically-simple feature".

  • The next iteration rejected any constructors with existentials, equalities, or constraints. It's suggested that we don't have to be this strict -- simply not binding any existentials, equalities, or constraints in or pattern alternatives would still be simple enough and give us more flexible type checking.

  • In the next iteration we allowed GADT constructors or constructors with existentials in or patterns, but with the restriction: "Or patterns do not bind existentials, dictionaries, or equalities".

  • At this point people asked about a more formal typing rule. Instead of giving a formal typing rule we chose to give a desugaring rule for or patterns, saying that both static and dynamic semantics of or patterns are defined by this rule:

    (p1; p2)
    ((\x -> case x of p1 -> Just (x1, …, xn); p2 -> Just (x1, …, xn); _ -> Nothing)
        -> Just (x1, …, xn))

    So an or pattern type checks whenever the desugared pattern type checks, and its dynamic semantics are the same as its desugared pattern's dynamic semantics.

  • WIP: We'll be giving a typing rule instead of a desugaring rule.

Or patterns requires changes in the parser, type checker, pattern checker and compiler (match function). Lexer already generates ; tokens so no changes needed. There are no changes in Core.

A prototype implementation is currently in progress at

Parsing is easily done by extending the production that generates (boxed or unboxed) tuple and unboxed sum patterns (example implementation).



We take advantage of the recent join points work. When we see a match with an or pattern, we first generate a join point for the RHS:

case x of
  (P1 y ; P2 y) -> RHS1
  P3            -> RHS2


join {
    rhs1 :: ...
    rhs1 y = RHS1 } in
case x of
  P1 y -> rhs1 y
  P2 y -> rhs1 y
  P3   -> RHS2

This is similar to how pattern errors for unhandled cases are compiled, except we mark rhs1 as join point explicitly during desugaring, rather that relying on the optimizer, to avoid accidentally generating slow code.

An example with nested patterns:

-- Haskell expression
case x0 of
  ((Left x ; Right x), (Left y ; Right y)) -> e1


-- GHC Core
case x0 of
  (x0_1, x0_2) ->
    join {
        rhs1 x =
          join {
              rhs2 y = e1
          } in
          case x0_2 of
            Left  y -> rhs2 y
            Right y -> rhs2 y
    } in
    case x0_1 of
      Left  x -> rhs1 x
      Right x -> rhs1 x

The prototype implementation uses a pre-processing step for eliminating or patterns, leaving match unchanged.

The trouble with changing match is

  • Every single pattern group (e.g. "literals", "data constructors") need to handle or patterns. This requires quite invasive changes.
  • Match function operates in DsM monad and otherwise don't allow accumulating new bindings during compilation (we need this to be able to introduce join points for RHSs).

A simpler alternative is to use a pre-processing step that eliminates or patterns before leaving compilation to match. This steps runs in matchWrapper. In summary, this pass does this:

  • Check if the equation has any or patterns.

    • If it doesn't, nothing to do, just call match.

    • Otherwise introduce a join point for the RHS. This join point takes, as arguments, all of the binders in the equation. Then flatten the equation (eliminate or patterns), using the same RHS that jumps to the join point for all equations.

      For example, given this equation:

      [ (p1 ; p2), (p3 ; p4) ] -> RHS

      we flatten it as

      [ [ p1, p3 ] -> jump p1 bndrs
      , [ p1, p4 ] -> jump p1 bndrs
      , [ p2, p3 ] -> jump p1 bndrs
      , [ p2, p4 ] -> jump p1 bndrs

      where p1 is the joint point and bndrs is all of the binders in an equation (remember that in an or pattern all alternatives bind exactly the same set of variables of same types, so equations in this exapanded form bind the same set of variables).

Disadvantages of this approach:

  • Introducing a pre-processing step just for or patterns is ugly. The pre-processing step runs on every pattern matching expression, and adds a traversal cost in the best case (when equations don't have any or patterns).
  • Flattening step potentially introduces exponential number of new equations. Unfortunately there's no way around that unless we change Core and Stg to support or patterns.