Loading GeoJSON features returned from an API call with Leaflet is very simple as Leaflet defines a GeoJSON layer which handles reading and displaying the features. Unlike OpenLayers Leaflet leaves loading the GeoJSON up to you so here we are using the reqwest
Add the following to be bottom of leaflet.js
// -- GeoJSON layer --
// Make a request for GeoJSON features, and add them to a layer using the
// default marker style and zoom to their extent
url: 'http://hub-dev.astun.co.uk/developmentcontrol/0.1/applications/search?&gsscode=E07000214&status=live',
type: 'json',
}).then(function (data) {
var planningAppsLayer = L.geoJson(data, {
// -- Layer options here --
// Zoom to the extent of all features