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Module 2 Homework: Workflow Orchestration

Prepare Postgres

  1. Run the Postgres database, pgAdmin, and Kestra with Docker Compose (compose.yaml):

    docker-compose up -d
  2. Data ingestion:

    ℹ️ The following steps use the Kestra API; the operations can also be executed from the Kestra UI.

    • Load the data ingestion flow, flows/taxi_trips_data_ingestion.yaml into Kestra:
      curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/flows/import -F fileUpload=@flows/taxi_trips_data_ingestion.yaml
    • Run the data ingestion flow with backfills:
      • yellow taxi data:
        curl -XPUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/triggers -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{
          "backfill": {
            "start": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "end": "2021-07-31T00:00:00.000Z",
            "inputs": {
              "taxi": "yellow"
            "labels": [
                "key": "backfill",
                "value": "true"
          "flowId": "taxi_trips_data_ingestion",
          "namespace": "taxi_trips",
          "triggerId": "yellow_schedule"
      • green taxi data:
        curl -XPUT http://localhost:8080/api/v1/triggers -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{
          "backfill": {
            "start": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "end": "2021-07-31T00:00:00.000Z",
            "inputs": {
              "taxi": "green"
            "labels": [
                "key": "backfill",
                "value": "true"
          "flowId": "taxi_trips_data_ingestion",
          "namespace": "taxi_trips",
          "triggerId": "green_schedule"
  3. Generate answers:

    ℹ️ This workflow produces all the answer for the present homework question; however, questions can be solved by other alternatives.

    • Load the answers flow, flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml into Kestra:
      curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/flows/import -F fileUpload=@flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml
    • Run the answers flow:
      curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/executions/homeworks/workflow-orchestration-answers

Question 1

Within the execution for Yellow Taxi data for the year 2020 and month 12: what is the uncompressed file size (i.e. the output file yellow_tripdata_2020-12.csv of the extract task)?

  • 128.3 MB
  • 134.5 MB
  • 364.7 MB
  • 692.6 MB


We can monitor the outputs of the extract task. There we can see the file size in MiB, which is 128.3 MiB; however, the possible answers are in MB, so the correct answer is 134.5 MB. Although this is correct, monitoring the output is required to be done in real time, since the task purge_files will remove everything.

Another approach is to add a size task, which will output the size of the file in bytes:

- id: size
  uri: "{{render(}}"

So the output is 134,481,400 bytes, then the answer is 134.5 MB.

In the answers flow, flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml, we have the question_01 task, which logs the size of the file in bytes with ls -l:

- id: question_01
    - "*.csv"
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.runner.Process
    - wget -qO- | gunzip > output.csv && ls -l output.csv

Whose output also is 134,481,400 bytes, then the answer is 134.5 MB.

⚠️ [UPDATE] They updated the possible answers to clarify they were expecting the MiB number; then the correct answer is 128.3 MiB.

Question 2

What is the rendered value of the variable file when the inputs taxi is set to green, year is set to 2020, and month is set to 04 during execution?

  • {{}}_tripdata_{{inputs.year}}-{{inputs.month}}.csv
  • green_tripdata_2020-04.csv
  • green_tripdata_04_2020.csv
  • green_tripdata_2020.csv


The value of the file variable is "{{}}_tripdata_{{ | date('yyyy-MM')}}.csv". For taxi = "green" and date = "2020-04-01", which is the date at which the backfill execution will run, the rendered value of the file variable is green_tripdata_2020-04.csv.

We can also check this in the backfill execution labels for the date 2020-04-01, since we add a the label file in the set_label task. It shows filed: green_tripdata_2020-04.csv

In the answers flow, flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml, we have the question_02 task, which logs the rendered string "{{vars.question_02_taxi}}_tripdata_{{vars.question_02_date | date('yyyy-MM')}}.csv" where question_02_taxi = "green" and question_02_date = "2020-04-01":

- id: question_02
  type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
  message: "{{vars.question_02_taxi}}_tripdata_{{vars.question_02_date | date('yyyy-MM')}}.csv"

The answer is green_tripdata_2020-04.csv.

Question 3

How many rows are there for the Yellow Taxi data for all CSV files in the year 2020?

  • 13,537.299
  • 24,648,499
  • 18,324,219
  • 29,430,127


We can query the yellow_tripdata table to count the number of rows for which the filename follows the pattern yellow_tripdata_2020-<month>.csv:

FROM yellow_tripdata
WHERE filename LIKE 'yellow_tripdata_2020-%.csv';

This returns a table that shows the count of rows from all the CSV files in the year 2020, which is 24,648,499

In the answers flow, flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml, we have the question_03 task; which also runs this query:

- id: question_03
  type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.postgresql.Queries
  sql: |
    FROM yellow_tripdata
    WHERE filename LIKE 'yellow_tripdata_2020-%.csv';
  fetchType: FETCH_ONE

And the output is { "row": { "count": 24648499 }, "size": 1 }, so the answer is 24,648,499.

Question 4

How many rows are there for the Green Taxi data for all CSV files in the year 2020?

  • 5,327,301
  • 936,199
  • 1,734,051
  • 1,342,034


We can query the green_tripdata table to count the number of rows for which the filename follows the pattern green_tripdata_2020-<month>.csv:

FROM green_tripdata
WHERE filename LIKE 'green_tripdata_2020-%.csv';

This returns a table that shows the count of rows from all the CSV files in the year 2020, which is 1,734,051

In the answers flow, flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml, we have the question_04 task; which also runs this query:

- id: question_04
  type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.postgresql.Queries
  sql: |
    FROM green_tripdata
    WHERE filename LIKE 'green_tripdata_2020-%.csv';
  fetchType: FETCH_ONE

And the output is { "row": { "count": 1734051 }, "size": 1 }, so the answer is 1,734,051.

Question 5

How many rows are there for the Yellow Taxi data for the March 2021 CSV file?

  • 1,428,092
  • 706,911
  • 1,925,152
  • 2,561,031


We can query the yellow_tripdata table to count the number of rows for which the filename is yellow_tripdata_2021-03.csv:

FROM green_tripdata
WHERE filename LIKE 'yellow_tripdata_2021-03.csv';

This returns a table that shows the count of rows from CSV file in the March 2021, which is 1,925,152

In the answers flow, flows/workflow_orchestration_answers.yaml, we have the question_05 task; which also runs this query:

- id: question_05
  type: io.kestra.plugin.jdbc.postgresql.Queries
  sql: |
    FROM yellow_tripdata
    WHERE filename = 'yellow_tripdata_2021-03.csv';
  fetchType: FETCH_ONE

And the output is { "row": { "count": 1925152 }, "size": 1 }, so the answer is 1,925,152.

Question 6

How would you configure the timezone to New York in a Schedule trigger?

  • Add a timezone property set to EST in the Schedule trigger configuration
  • Add a timezone property set to America/New_York in the Schedule trigger configuration
  • Add a timezone property set to UTC-5 in the Schedule trigger configuration
  • Add a location property set to New_York in the Schedule trigger configuration


According to the Schedule Trigger documentation, to add New York as a timezone for the trigger, we can set the timezone property to America/New_York, for example:

  - id: daily
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.trigger.Schedule
    cron: "@daily"
    timezone: America/New_York