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LocalOsmosis is a complete Osmosis testnet containerized with Docker and orchestrated with a simple docker-compose file. LocalOsmosis comes preconfigured with opinionated, sensible defaults for a standard testing environment.

LocalOsmosis comes in two flavors:

  1. No initial state: brand new testnet with no initial state.
  2. With mainnet state: creates a testnet from a mainnet state export


Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed:

# Docker
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y

# Docker compose
sudo apt install docker-compose -y

1. LocalOsmosis - No Initial State

The following commands must be executed from the root folder of the Osmosis repository.

  1. Make any change to the osmosis code that you want to test

  2. Initialize LocalOsmosis:

make localnet-init

The command:

  • Builds a local docker image with the latest changes
  • Cleans the $HOME/.osmosisd-local folder
  1. Start LocalOsmosis:
make localnet-start


You can also start LocalOsmosis in detach mode with:

make localnet-startd

  1. (optional) Add your validator wallet and 9 other preloaded wallets automatically:
make localnet-keys
  • These keys are added to your --keyring-backend test
  • If the keys are already on your keyring, you will get an "Error: aborted"
  • Ensure you use the name of the account as listed in the table below, as well as ensure you append the --keyring-backend test to your txs
  • Example: osmosisd tx bank send lo-test2 osmo1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qnahakaks --keyring-backend test --chain-id LocalOsmosis
  1. You can stop chain, keeping the state with
make localnet-stop
  1. When you are done you can clean up the environment with:
make localnet-clean

2. LocalOsmosis - With Mainnet State

Running LocalOsmosis with mainnet state is resource intensive and can take a bit of time. It is recommended to only use this method if you are testing a new feature that must be thoroughly tested before pushing to production.

A few things to note before getting started. The below method will only work if you are using the same version as mainnet. In other words, if mainnet is on v8.0.0 and you try to do this on a v9.0.0 tag or on main, you will run into an error when initializing the genesis. (yes, it is possible to create a state exported testnet on a upcoming release, but that is out of the scope of this tutorial)

Additionally, this process requires 64GB of RAM. If you do not have 64GB of RAM, you will get an OOM error.

Create a mainnet state export

  1. Set up a node on mainnet (easiest to use the tool). This will be the node you use to run the state exported testnet, so ensure it has at least 64GB of RAM.
curl -sL > && python3
  1. Once the installer is done, ensure your node is hitting blocks.
source ~/.profile
journalctl -u osmosisd.service -f
  1. Stop your Osmosis daemon
systemctl stop osmosisd.service
  1. Take a state export snapshot with the following command:
cd $HOME
osmosisd export 2> state_export.json

After a while (~15 minutes), this will create a file called state_export.json which is a snapshot of the current mainnet state.

Use the state export in LocalOsmosis

  1. Copy the state_export.json to the LocalOsmosis/state_export folder within the osmosis repo
cp $HOME/state_export.json $HOME/osmosis/tests/LocalOsmosis/state_export/
  1. Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed:
# Docker
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y

# Docker compose
sudo apt install docker-compose -y
  1. Build the local:osmosis docker image:
make localnet-state-export-init

The command:

  • Builds a local docker image with the latest changes
  • Cleans the $HOME/.osmosisd folder
  1. Start LocalOsmosis:
make localnet-state-export-start


You can also start LocalOsmosis in detach mode with:

make localnet-state-export-startd

When running this command for the first time, local:osmosis will:

  • Modify the provided state_export.json to create a new state suitable for a testnet
  • Start the chain

You will then go through the genesis initialization process. This will take ~15 minutes. You will then hit the first block (not block 1, but the block number after your snapshot was taken), and then you will just see a bunch of p2p error logs with some KV store logs. This will happen for about 1 hour, and then you will finally hit blocks at a normal pace.

  1. On your host machine, add this specific wallet which holds a large amount of osmo funds
MNEMONIC="bottom loan skill merry east cradle onion journey palm apology verb edit desert impose absurd oil bubble sweet glove shallow size build burst effort"
echo $MNEMONIC | osmosisd keys add wallet --recover --keyring-backend test

You now are running a validator with a majority of the voting power with the same state as mainnet state (at the time you took the snapshot)

  1. On your host machine, you can now query the state-exported testnet:
osmosisd status
  1. Here is an example command to ensure complete understanding:
osmosisd tx bank send wallet osmo1nyphwl8p5yx6fxzevjwqunsfqpcxukmtk8t60m 10000000uosmo --chain-id testing1 --keyring-backend test
  1. You can stop chain, keeping the state with
make localnet-state-export-stop
  1. When you are done you can clean up the environment with:
make localnet-state-export-clean

Note: At some point, all the validators (except yours) will get jailed at the same block due to them being offline.

When this happens, it may take a little bit of time to process. Once all validators are jailed, you will continue to hit blocks as you did before. If you are only running the validator for a short time (< 24 hours) you will not experience this.

LocalOsmosis Accounts

LocalOsmosis is pre-configured with one validator and 9 accounts with ION and OSMO balances.

Account Address Mnemonic
lo-val osmo1phaxpevm5wecex2jyaqty2a4v02qj7qmlmzk5a
satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn
lo-test1 osmo1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qnahakaks notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius
lo-test2 osmo18s5lynnmx37hq4wlrw9gdn68sg2uxp5rgk26vv quality vacuum heart guard buzz spike sight swarm shove special gym robust assume sudden deposit grid alcohol choice devote leader tilt noodle tide penalty
lo-test3 osmo1qwexv7c6sm95lwhzn9027vyu2ccneaqad4w8ka symbol force gallery make bulk round subway violin worry mixture penalty kingdom boring survey tool fringe patrol sausage hard admit remember broken alien absorb
lo-test4 osmo14hcxlnwlqtq75ttaxf674vk6mafspg8xwgnn53 bounce success option birth apple portion aunt rural episode solution hockey pencil lend session cause hedgehog slender journey system canvas decorate razor catch empty
lo-test5 osmo12rr534cer5c0vj53eq4y32lcwguyy7nndt0u2t second render cat sing soup reward cluster island bench diet lumber grocery repeat balcony perfect diesel stumble piano distance caught occur example ozone loyal
lo-test6 osmo1nt33cjd5auzh36syym6azgc8tve0jlvklnq7jq spatial forest elevator battle also spoon fun skirt flight initial nasty transfer glory palm drama gossip remove fan joke shove label dune debate quick
lo-test7 osmo10qfrpash5g2vk3hppvu45x0g860czur8ff5yx0 noble width taxi input there patrol clown public spell aunt wish punch moment will misery eight excess arena pen turtle minimum grain vague inmate
lo-test8 osmo1f4tvsdukfwh6s9swrc24gkuz23tp8pd3e9r5fa cream sport mango believe inhale text fish rely elegant below earth april wall rug ritual blossom cherry detail length blind digital proof identify ride
lo-test9 osmo1myv43sqgnj5sm4zl98ftl45af9cfzk7nhjxjqh index light average senior silent limit usual local involve delay update rack cause inmate wall render magnet common feature laundry exact casual resource hundred
lo-test10 osmo14gs9zqh8m49yy9kscjqu9h72exyf295afg6kgk prefer forget visit mistake mixture feel eyebrow autumn shop pair address airport diesel street pass vague innocent poem method awful require hurry unhappy shoulder


Software-upgrade test

To test a software upgrade, you can use the script located in the scripts/ folder. This script automatically creates a proposal to upgrade the software to the specified version and votes "yes" on the proposal. Once the proposal passes and the upgrade height is reached, you can update your localosmosis instance to use the new version.


To use the script:

  1. make sure you have a running LocalOsmosis instance

  2. run the following command:

./scripts/ <upgrade version>

Replace <upgrade version> with the version of the software you want to upgrade to, for example. If no version is specified, the script will default to v15 version.

The script does the following:

  • Creates an upgrade proposal with the specified version and description.
  • Votes "yes" on the proposal.


Once the upgrade height is reached, you need to update your localosmosis instance to use the new software.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Change the image in the docker-compose.yml file to use the new version, and then restart LocalOsmosis using make localnet-start. For example:
    image: <NEW_IMAGE_I_WANT_TO_USE>
    # All this needs to be commented to don't build the image with local changes
    # build:
    #     context: ../../
    #     dockerfile: Dockerfile
    #     args:
    #     RUNNER_IMAGE: alpine:3.16
    #     GO_VERSION: 1.19
  1. Checkout the Osmosis repository to a different ref that includes the new version, and then rebuild and restart LocalOsmosis using make localnet-start. Make sure to don't delete your ~/.osmosisd-local folder.