High-level description of some of the OSPRay Studio features.
Studio provides a thin wrapper on top of the OSPRay API, as such, the rendering features are better described in the, excellent, OSPRay documentation (https://www.ospray.org/documentation.html)
OBJ/MTL importer:
- native triangle mesh and quad mesh primitives
- basic OBJ materials, with extension for any OSPRay material via "type" keyword
- texture and "texture transformations" supported on all OSPRay texturable material parameters via "map_" parameter prefix
- support for UDIM texture tiles with common "1001" filenaming convention
glTF importer:
- mesh and points primitives, vanilla materials, animation (including camera), skinning
- KHR_lights_punctual: "directional", "point", "spot"; custom extension for OSPRay's "hdri" light type
- INTEL_lights_sunsky
- KHR_materials_emissive_strength: "intensity"
- KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness: "diffuseFactor", "diffuseTexture", "specularFactor", "glossinessFactor"
- KHR_materials_clearcoat: "clearcoatFactor", "clearcoatRoughnessFactor", "clearcoatTexture", "clearcoatRoughnessTexture", "clearcoatNormalTexture"
- KHR_materials_transmission: "transmissionFactor", "transmissionTexture"
- KHR_materials_sheen: "sheenColorFactor", "sheenColorTexture", "sheenRoughnessFactor", "sheenRoughnessTexture"
- KHR_materials_ior: "ior"
- KHR_materials_volume: "thicknessFactor", "thicknessTexture", "attenuationDistance", "attenuationColor"
- KHR_materials_specular: "specularFactor", "specularTexture"
- KHR_texture_transform: "offset", "rotation", "scale"
- BIT_scene_background: "background-uri", "rotation"
- BIT_asset_info: "title"
- BIT_reference_link: "id", "title"
- BIT_node_info: "id"
- EXT_cameras_sensor, respecting
- "imageSensor": "pixels", "pixelSize"
- "lens": "focalLength", "apertureRadius", "focusDistance", "centerPointShift"
- support for UDIM texture tiles with common "1001" filenaming convention
PCD importer:
- file importer for common "Point Cloud Data" (https://pointclouds.org/) format
Volume rendering:
- importers for raw structured, raw spherical, particle volumes, and OpenVDB file formats
- scenegraph support to structure, unstructured, particle volumes, and vdb data formats
- controls for transfer functions and implicit iso-surfaces, as supported by OSPRay and OpenVKL
Meta data export, using plugin "metadata" via ospStudio batch -p metadata -m ...
- in exr: id (instanceID), objectID, depth, worldPosition
- ID maps in prefix.id.json and prefix.objectId.json
- 3D bounding boxes in prefix.bboxId.json
batch mode:
- scriptable headless rendering for offline images
- setting animation speed (fps)
- selecting frames (sub-range) to be rendered
- selecting camera (if multiple specified in glTF)
- selecting scene configuration from command line
- setting rendering parameters (maxContribution, accumLimit, variance)
python bindings:
- the scene graph is exposed via pybind11 binding for full scriptable support
JSON scene file format:
- the scenegraph state may loaded/saved to a JSON file
Extendable via plugins:
- plugin mechanism allows extension of file importer, scene graph internals, and UI widgets/appearance
- several of the plugins under development are featured on the website