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Releases: ossc-db/pg_rman


27 Sep 10:19
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Release Notes


This is the latest maintenance release for pg_rman1.3.


This release makes certain changes to the backup data file format, which makes it incompatible with the backups taken using older versions of pg_rman. So, it cannot be used to restore the backups taken using older versions of pg_rman.

Specifically, the incompatible change is required in order to fix an issue with the incremental backup feature, which caused it to restore a relation file's blocks that have already been deleted since the backup was taken.

Change Log

  • Fixed pg_rman to mitigate attacks described in CVE-2018-1058

  • Fix a bug which restores already deleted data when using the increment backup feature.
    ・This bug was caused by the failure on pg_rman's part to consider that VACUUM, which can shrink a table's file by truncating the blocks at the end of the file, may run between the latest full backup and an incremental backup. Incremental backups didn't record the fact that those blocks need not be restored, which this change fixes. As mentioned above, that required changing the backup data file format in a backward-incompatible manner.

  • Correctly parse system_identifier string in backup configuration file




本バージョンは、pg_rman 1.3.6以前との互換性はありません。



  • CVE-2018-1058に対応しました。

  • 増分バックアップをリストアした際に、すでに削除されたデータまで復元する問題を修正しました。

  • pg_rmanリポジトリ のsystem_identifier値を読む時に使用するC関数を修正しました。


30 Jan 07:00
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Release Notes


This is the latest maintenance release for pg_rman1.3.6.

It is recommended that you use it with the latest PostgreSQL server (10.1, 9.6.6, 9.5.10, 9.4.15, 9.3.20, 9.2.24).

Change Log

  • Added support for PostgreSQL 10
  • changed name of RPM to standard naming convention
    -- pg_rman-X.X.X-X.pgXX.elX.x86_64.rpm => pg_rman-X.X.X-X.pgXX.rhelX.x86_64.rpm



このバージョンは、PostgreSQL 10をサポートしています。

各バージョンの最新のPostgreSQLバージョン(10.0, 9.6.5, 9.5.9, 9.4.14, 9.3.19, 9.2.23)と合わせて利用することを推奨します。


  • PostgreSQL 10に対応
  • RPMの名前を標準名前ルールに変更
    -- pg_rman-X.X.X-X.pgXX.elX.x86_64.rpm => pg_rman-X.X.X-X.pgXX.rhelX.x86_64.rpm


14 Jul 05:41
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Release Notes


This is a maintenance release for pg_rman 1.3

Change Log

  • Fix a bug that caused GIN, BRIN, and SP-GiST indexes contained in backups to contain invalid meta page data (Issue #66 )

An internal compression technique used by pg_rman to compress the backup pages failed to consider that the same technique cannot be used for GIN, BRIN and SP-GiST indexes, because the core PostgreSQL does not provide the necessary support. So, the compression performed by pg_rman caused loss of information stored in the meta page of these index types, so indexes become unusable after recovery. This fix prevents such compression to be applied to GIN, BRIN, and SP-GiST indexes anymore, so the files of such indexes will be copied as it is. This will cause the backups to become larger.

Note that this means that if any backup taken using pg_rman 1.3.4 and less contains GIN, BRIN, and SP-GiST indexes, they contain invalid meta page data. If you want to perform PITR using one of these old backups, you must recreate such indexes by performing REINDEX right after recovery is finished.

  • Fix a bug that prevented WAL file(s) necessary for successful recovery to be backed up

Due to this bug, pg_rman didn't wait until the PostgreSQL archiver process had finished copying the necessary WAL files to the archive location, which prevented those files to copied to the backup

  • Fix a bug that caused config file parsing code to emit unnecessary warnings

About release files

There are rpm and source tarball files for PostgreSQL versions 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6. For example, pg_rman-1.3.5-1.pg96.rhel7.x86_54.rpm is the rpm for PostgreSQL 9.6 on RHEL 7. Similarly, pg_rman-1.3.5-pg96 is the source tarball for PostgreSQL 9.6.


本リリースはpg_rman 1.3系の最新リリースです。


  • バックアップのGIN、BRIN、SP-GiSTインデックスに無効なメタページデータ
    が含まれる不具合を修正しました。(Issue #66)


  pg_rman 1.3.4以前を使用して取得したバックアップにGIN、BRIN、

  • WALファイルのバックアップに関する不具合を修正しました。

 バックアップを取得する際、archiver processによるWALのアーカイブ
  archive_mode = always且つスタンバイサーバでpg_rmanを使用する
  これらの条件でpg_rman 1.3.4以前を使用している場合、速やかに

  • PostgreSQLの設定ファイルの解析時に、不必要な警告が出力される


24 Apr 00:47
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Release Notes


This is a maintenance release for pg_rman 1.3

Change Log

  • Fix a bug related data page checksum handling
    Previously, wrong checksum values would be set on the individual data pages during restore command processing, which would cause checksum-related errors when the pages are accessed during normal database operation after recovery (affected only when using pg_rman with PostgreSQL 9.3 or newer, because older versions did not support checksum for data pages)

  • Set fallback_application_name when connecting to the database (Fixes #56 )
    Previously, log messages emitted to server log because of pg_rman's interactions with the server would not contain proper application_name

  • Add End Time column to the show command's output, replacing Duration column

  • Account for renaming of pg_xlog directory and various SQL functions to change "xlog" to "wal"
    It basically means pg_rman can now backup and restore PostgreSQL 10 database directories

About release files

There are rpm and source tarball files for PostgreSQL versions 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6. For example, pg_rman-1.3.4-1.pg96.rhel7.x86_54.rpm is the rpm for PostgreSQL 9.6 on RHEL 7. Similarly, pg_rman-1.3.4-pg96 is the source tarballs for PostgreSQL 9.6.


本リリースはpg_rman 1.3系の最新リリースです。


  • チェックサムに関するバグを修正しました。

  • デフォルトのapplication_nameが'pg_rman'になりました。(#56 )

  • showコマンドの出力に、列'EndTime'を追加しました。列'Duration'は冗長になるため削除しました。

  • PostgreSQL 10では'pg_xlog'が'pg_wal'に変更されることや、SQL関数名の中の'xlog'も'wal'に変更されることに対応しました。


13 Oct 11:33
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Release Notes


This is a maintenance release for pg_rman 1.3

Change Log

  • Support taking backups from PostgreSQL 9.6 servers
  • Support non-exclusive backup API of PostgreSQL 9.6
  • Issue a warning when when --compress option is used but the pg_rman build does not support compression
  • Fix a bug in backup delete command processing that prevented ERROR'd backups from being deleted
  • Do not show backups with unknown state in the show command output (#23)
  • Support UNIX domain socket files in backup (#41)

About release files

There are rpm and source tarball files for PostgreSQL versions 9.3, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6. For example, pg_rman-1.3.3-1.pg96.rhel7.x86_54.rpm is the rpm for PostgreSQL 9.6 on RHEL 7. Similarly, pg_rman-1.3.3-pg96 is the source tarballs for PostgreSQL 9.6.


本リリースはpg_rman 1.3系の最新リリースです。


  • PostgreSQL 9.6 に対応しました。
  • PostgreSQL 9.6 の non-exclusive backup API をサポートしました。
  • PostgreSQL が zlib オプションなしで構築されている時、--compress-data オプションが WARNING を出すようにしました。
  • エラーとなったバックアップが、DELETE コマンドで誤って削除されるのを防止するようになりました。
  • SHOWコマンドで、無効なステータスのバックアップを表示しないようにしました。(#23)
  • UNIXドメインソケットをサポートしました。(#41)


28 Jan 09:35
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Release Notes


This is a maintenance release for pg_rman 1.3

Change Log

  • Supports PostgreSQL 9.5
  • Check database system identifier during backup to prevent writing backups of different database cluster (that is, separately initdb'd) into the backup catalog

Second change means you cannot take backups using the latest pg_rman binary into an existing backup catalog created by some older version of pg_rman, because it would not find the system identifier file. To get around this, kindly create a new backup catalog and manually copy all backups in the old catalog into the new one, if needed. Note that although one cannot take new backups into the old catalog, one can still restore from the existing backups in it.

About release files

There are rpm and source tarball files for PostgreSQL versions 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5. For example, pg_rman-1.3.2-1.pg95.rhel7.x86_54.rpm is the rpm for PostgreSQL 9.5 on RHEL 7. Similarly, pg_rman-1.3.2-pg95 is the source tarballs for PostgreSQL 9.5.


本リリースはpg_rman 1.3系の最新リリースです。


  • PostgreSQL 9.5 をサポートしました。
  • バックアップ取得時にデータベース識別子(system_identifier)が一致しているかを確認する機能が追加されました。一致しない場合バックアップを取得しません。これによって、異なるデータベースのバックアップ情報が、誤ってバックアップカタログに混入するのを防ぐことができるようになりました。


pg_rman 1.3.1 以降で作成したバックアップカタログにはデータベース識別子が存在しないので、pg_rman 1.3.2 を使ってバックアップを取得することはできません。以前のバックアップカタログのバックアップを pg_rman 1.3.2 で扱いたい場合は、pg_rman 1.3.2 を用いてバックアップカタログを作成しなおし、適宜、以前のバックアップカタログからバックアップをコピーして下さい。


10 Sep 02:03
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Release 1.3.1

This is a maintenance release for pg_rman 1.3

Change Log

  • Fix a bug where recovery target option is ignored when performing PITR using restore command


30 Jul 08:09
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This is a first release of pg_rman 1.3 series.

Change log from 1.2.11

  • Add purge command.
    Previously, delete command removes actual data from backup catalog path, but the directory and some files still remains for show command usage. This new purge command can remove these files and directories related to deleted backup totally from backup catalog path.
  • Improve output of show commands.
    Now, output by show command contains backup mode and Timeline ID of each backup. And, show timeline command is renamed to show detail.
  • Add --full-backup-on-error/-F option for backup command.
    Previously, pg_rman fails to take an incremental or archive backup if there is no valid full backup in the same timelie id. With this option, pg_rman turns to take a full backup automatically in that situation.
  • Add --progress/-P option for backup and restore command.
    With this option, pg_rman shows number of files it processed during backup or restore.
INFO: copying database files
Processed 68 of 1760 files, skipped 0
  • Add --force option for delete command.
    Previously, pg_rman does not delete incremental or archived WAL backup even if they are old enough against given DATE but necessary for restore. With this option, pg_rman focibly delete against given DATE. Though this can break the consistency of backup and recovery, it is useful in some operational cases.
  • Enable --keep-data-generations and --keep-data-days options to be used independently.
    Previously, these option should be used together. Now, pg_rman can accept each option separately.
  • Enable --keep-arclog-files and --keep-arclog-days options to be used independently.
    Previously, these option should be used together. Now, pg_rman can accept each option separately.
  • Enable --keep-srvlog-files and --keep-srvlog-days options to be used independently.
    Previously, these option should be used together. Now, pg_rman can accept each option separately.
  • backup_cleanup did not work properly
    In backup from a standby server tied but failed, backup_cleanup
    is called but does not do pg_stop_backup. This caused the master
    server keeping in backup status.
  • Improve error messages.
  • Add documentation in source tree.

About release files

Please download RPM or source archive file.
There are different files for PostgreSQL server version.
For example, pg_rman-1.3.0-1.pg94.rhel7.x86_54.rpm is the rpm for PostgreSQL 9.4 on RHEL 7.
Similarly, pg_rman-1.3.0-pg94 is the source archive for PostgreSQL 9.4.


02 Jul 04:57
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Release Note -- pg_rman 1.2.11 --

This is a recent maintenance release for pg_rman 1.2.

Change Log

  • Supports PostgreSQL 9.4.
  • Enable to set 'latest' in recovery-target-timeline command line option in restore. ticket #89
  • Do not erase the target database directory in restoring with non-existing recovery-target-timeline. ticket #90
  • Enable incremental backup after database creation. ticket #92
  • Remove unsafe code from get_lsn() ticket #94


  • PostgreSQL 9.4に対応しました。
  • コマンドラインオプションrecovery-target-timelineにて'latest'を指定できるようにしました。ticket #89
  • コマンドラインオプションrecovery-target-timelineにて無効な値を指定した場合のエラー終了の際に、リストア先のデータベース領域のディレクトリ・ファイルを削除しないようにしました。1.2.10までのバージョンでは、recovery-target-timelineにて無効な値を指定した場合、pg_rman restoreコマンドはエラー終了しますが、リストア先のデータベース領域のディレクトリ・ファイルが消去されていました。ticket #90
  • データベースの新規作成を行った直後に増分バックアップを行えるようにしました。1.2.10までのバージョンでは制約事項として禁止していました。ticket #92
  • get_lsn() 関数に存在した適切でないロジックを修正しました。ticket #94