Releases: ossia/score
Releases · ossia/score
- Fix pause behaviour
- Add various safeties for when VSTs & such don't load
- Faust: give a generic name instead of 0x00 when a control does not have a name
- Fix issues when switching between nodal and non-nodal mode
- Improve reloading of scores with missing processes
- Fix #1295 (#1296)
- Replace outdated french tutorial with online workshop
- Update dependencies
- Fix build on ArchLinux due to an issue in a Faust header for sound files
- Fix an error when removing an interval during execution
- Fix an error when dropping multiple files on a state in sequence mode (shift)
- Optimize rerendering of the time widget by preventing relayout of the whole bottom bar
- Refactors and fixes
- Fix a small memory leak when running execution
- Make the IP editable in the ArtNet window
- Fix a bug when closing a score with disconnected OSCQuery devices
- Fix bugs caused by switching between nodal and timeline view due to incoherent behaviour between different C++ standard libraries (
- Fix font DPI which was incorrect on Windows and macOS and way too small compared to what it should look like.
- Fix that some Faust synths were not detected as such.
- Timing fixes in the arpeggiator and patternist processes.
- Force no app-nap and low-latency support on macOS (thanks to the SuperCollider codebase which has to jump through the same hoops)
- Set a proper font for the source code editor
- Refactor and fixes for video and camera input (in particular, fix a memory leak in the camera feed)
New features
- Support for reading tempo information from AppleLoop format
- Looper: allow to switch from recording to playing after N bars
- Add a MIDI learn feature to address widgets (accessible by right-clicking them)
- #507 (issues with listening in the device explorer)
- #1281 automations will now be created flat by default
- Fix that the front slot was not saved
- Fix that the math mapping processes did not send a correct initial value
- Fix that the spline did not look correct when being put at the back of a slot
- Many improvements & bugfixes to video decoding
- Fix that the inspector would glitch when right-clicking something in the objet list pane.
- Fix incorrect auto-trigger behaviour (#1185)
- Many smaller fixes all around, in the device explorer, in the patternist process...
- Reverted to 10.14 as minimal macOS version due to unsolvable issues with 10.13
- OSCQuery mirror will now use an OS assigned port for OSC instead of hardcoding one (it used to be 10203).
- Removed the "frequency" process which can be done with an automation + the free metronome process.
- Disable changing the name of the audio device until it is rearchitected.
- Limit sound file tempo ranges to 1 - 600 BPM to prevent issues with buggy soundfiles
New features
- Library: add a right-click > open in explorer option
- Fix initial state of speed sliders (#1286)
- Zoom level is now correctly saved and restored again (#584)
- Small improvements to the crash restoring mechanism which would occasionally not manage to reload after a crash
- Fix that the start and end triggers were not triggable (#1088 and a few others)
- Fix video packets not being released with libav
- Fix to the usage of number of channels for ALSA
- Various fixes for the Raspberry build: fix that opengl was broken, fix joystick support
- ISF, JS: fix that controls were not kept when editing a script live
- Many LV2 fixes to make the B.Oops, B.Sequencer plug-ins work, thanks to help from their author @sjaehn :D
- Timing fix for VST, PPQ was not in the right unit which made plug-ins such as Glitch too fast.
New features
- Added a double-click to reset the cursor of position widgets (e.g. in image and text processes) to the center.
- Fix crash when changing the port count of the Stereo Merger process.
- Fix that propagate was not enabled on the Stereo Merger process.
- Fix the order of messages between the start and end states, when pressing reinitialize.
- Fix alpha blending and opacity for images.
- Fix aspect ratio for images.
- Fix that the first frame of videos was skipped.
- Improve documentation
- Fix import of Format 0 MIDI files.
Important changes
- The default library folder has changed, in prevision for the automatic update system.
- The libraries are now by default in
is the score library,user
is your custom library, other packages are installed alongside.
- The libraries are now by default in
New features
- Ability to start & stop intervals in a quantified way
- Hierarchic quantization setting on intervals, which affects child interval and trigger launch quantization
- Support for loading pattern files for the pattern sequencer
- Preset support for most processes ; ability to save and load presets for nodes with a small button.
- More processes will put their things in the main "process" library panel, (only Faust and JS were doing it so far).
- Also support preview for things in the "process" panes (so far only useful for shaders).
- Preview is also supported for individual presets !
- VST3: add parameters to the UI when edited
- New "Micromap" process to apply a very short expression to the input, e.g. x/127
- Add a
random(min, max)
function to the math expression plug-ins
- Many improvements to the library
- Various cable bugfixes and improvements
- It should now be much easier to select a port when a cable is connected to it.
- Timing support for LV2. Some plug-ins still don't work correctly though, like B.Sequencer :(
- Fix audio preview for files with all caps extensions
- Drag'n'drop improvements across the board
- Many bugfixes for patternist
- Many improvements to live edition, for sound files, videos..
- Fix issues when dropping a port in the root interval (thanks @bltzr for noticing !)
- Small UI improvements to curves (thanks @aklevy !)
- Fix signal display which had been broken for a couple releases.
- Fix execution when editing a curve with the pen tool during edition (thanks @bltzr for testing !)
- Fix selection of processes in nodal view (#1267)
- Fix annoying crash restoring issues
- Fix MIDI notes being suppressed on downscale
- Fix Y axis for XY widget (thanks @thibaudk !)
- Small fixes for the Pd process.
- Small timing fixes for the Looper process.
- Small timing fixes for the Metronome process.
New features
- Support for includes in shaders.
For now it only works with the Lygia library, which can be installed from the package manager.
See the tutorial:
- Time bar will be much more fluid and precise
- OpenGL for the UI has been enabled on windows as it seems to work correctly by default.
On Mac it is OTOH much laggier than software rendering so it is disabled. - Fix that one could do save / save as / ... when a document wasn't open, leading to a crash (thanks JM Colin!)
- Fix syntax coloration which had been broken semi-recently ; fix an issue with live-editing JS scripts.
New features
- The way feedback from the execution engine is done has been improved ; most widgets will now display a small indicator of the current automation state the corresponding control is in the audio engine. This way it is much less frustrating to try and move things around during execution. Note that there is no latch mode yet, and that not all processes have been ported yet.
Implement support for readbacks in the GPU nodes. This means that it's possible to write a score plug-in that will read a GPU texture, apply a CPU process, and upload the result back to the GPU which can be useful for various algorithms.
New widget for XYZ controls. Thanks @thibaudk !
Lots of work on the upcoming stable plug-in API to make it as straightforward as possible ; see the various examples here:
- Big performance improvement on startup, which was due to Qt taking much more time than necessary to scan the user library.
- Fix issues with processes name not always being displayed in nodal view (#1260)
- Fix reloading of MIDI device when switching between "create all nodes" modes.
- Various OpenGL fixes.
- Various settings file fixes.
- Many VST fixes, in particular regarding VST3 UI for which support wasn't implemented on Linux.