To install it, run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To run Shore, run python runserver --settings=shore.settings --configuration=Dev
(for dev mode),
run python runserver --settings=shore.settings --configuration=Prod
(for prod mode)
on the command line. It starts a
local server that listens on http://localhost:8000.
For webpack make sure that you have installed webpack globally (version 4.1.1)
npm install webpack -g
. Run npm install
in shore/shore directory, then
npm run dev
or npm run dev-watch
for DEBUG=True and npm run prod
for DEBUG=False.
To create the PostgreSQL database, use the following commands:
$ sudo -u postgres -i # createdb shore # psql shore CREATE ROLE shore WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'shore'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE shore TO shore; ALTER USER shore CREATEDB;