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How the MatLang2C Transpiler Works


The MatLang2C Transpiler (referred to as ML2C from here after on), consists of 3 major components:

  1. The lexical analyzer, or scanner
  2. The syntax analyzer, or parser
  3. Target code generator

When ML2C starts running on a given .mat file input, the scanner scans the characters that exists in the .mat file, and glues them together to make sensible parts called tokens. Then these tokens are passed onto the next component of ML2C, the parser. The parser checks for any possible syntactical or semantical mistakes (such as type compatibility) in the token sequence, and also structures the tokens in an abstract syntax tree (AST) to make code generation easier. Finally, the code generator generates C code for an existing C compiler to translate further and produce an executable.


The first major component of ML2C, the scanner, simply does a linear traversal of the input MatLang source code and forms tokens out of the characters according to the lexical grammar of the MatLang language. An example of this for integer and float numerals:

    let tk be a new token
    while the next character ch is a digit
        add ch to tk
    if ch is '.'
        add ch to tk
        let ch be the next character
        if ch is not a digit
            exit with error message
        while ch is a digit
            add ch to tk
            let ch be the next character
    label tk as TOKEN_NUMERAL
    return tk

An important point is that the scanner holds a list of all the keywords of the MatLang language, such as for, vector, and printsep, so whenever it comes across these words in the input, it labels the created token accordingly.

The scanner is implemented with a struct appropriately called Scanner, that is defined in scanner.h and used in scanner.c. This struct has a pointer both to the source code char *contents and the scanned tokens list Token *scanned_tokens, and also carries extra information such as the current line number, the current character position in the source code, and the total length of source code.

Some important functions from scanner.c are the following:

  1. get_tokens_from_file()
  2. get_tokens_from_scanner()
  3. get_token_with_scanner()

The function named get_tokens_from_scanner() linearly traverses the source code string contents and calls functions that look like the function SCAN_NUMERAL in the pseudocode above. Each SCAN_NUMERAL like function scans a word-like piece (like an identifier, or a parenthesis, or a MatLang keyword) from the source code by using functions like peek_prev_chr() and advance_chr().


Second major component of ML2C, the parser, takes the list of all tokens created from the input and parses it. It checks for any errors in the way tokens follow each other, and reorganizes them into a structure more representative of the meaning of the input program, called an abstract syntax tree (AST) or parse tree1. It does this according to the syntactic (structure of definitions and statements) and semantic (type compatibility of expressions) grammar of the MatLang language. Instead of tokens, the parse tree consists of objects called nodes. These are objects that generally represent bigger pieces of the input program (for example an AST node may represent a whole for loop), and they carry pointers to nodes that represent their subpieces (a NODE_FOR_LOOP will carry a pointer to a NODE_ONE_LINE_STMT for each substatement in the program loop). Expression nodes also carry data type information for type-checking. To take a look at how the parser works, let's see how a sequence of tokens that arrives from the scanner may be formed into a little parse subtree:

    let nd be a new node
    let tk be the next token
    if tk is TOKEN_KW_FOR
        let tk be the next token
        if tk is not TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN
            exit with error message
        let tk be the next token
        if tk is not TOKEN_ID
            exit with error message
        add tk to nd
        let tk be the next token
        if tk is not TOKEN_KW_IN
            exit with error message
        for 2 times
            call PARSE_EXPRESSION and add to nd
            let tk be the next token
            if tk is not TOKEN_COLON
                exit with error message
        call PARSE_EXPRESSION and add to nd
        let tk be the next token
        if tk is not TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN
            exit with error message
        let tk be the next token
        if tk is not TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE
            exit with error message
        let tk be the next token
        if tk is not TOKEN_NEW_LINE
            exit with error message
        while next token is not TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACE
            call PARSE_ONE_LINE_STMT and add to nd
    return nd

Two important things to observe here: First of all, any error that is comed across in the subpieces of the for loop such as the clause expressions or the substatements will be generated in the subcalls to functions that parse these pieces. Secondly, any time one of these subcalls returns, they return with their corresponding nodes, and then pointers to these nodes are added into the original for node.

For another example, let's look at how summation expressions are parsed, so we can see how operator precedence, associativity and type info synthesis are handled at once:

define PARSE_SUM
    call PARSE_PRODUCT and let it be lnd
    while the next token is TOKEN_PLUS or TOKEN_MINUS
        call PARSE_PRODUCT and let it be rnd
        let snd be a new node
        if lnd and rnd are scalars
            label snd as TYPE_SCALAR
        else if lnd and rnd are vectors
            if lnd.length does not equal rnd.length
                exit with error message
            label snd as TYPE_VECTOR
            let snd.length be lnd.length
        else if lnd and rnd are matrices
            if lnd.heigth does not equal rnd.heigth
                exit with error message
            if lnd.width does not equal rnd.width
                exit with error message
            label snd as TYPE_MATRIX
            let snd.heigth be lnd.heigth
            let snd.width be lnd.width
        else //operand types are not compatible
            exit with error message
        add lnd and rnd to snd
        let lnd be snd
    return lnd

    call PARSE_ATOMIC and let it be lnd
    while next token is TOKEN_ASTERISK
        call PARSE_ATOMIC and let it be rnd
    return lnd

    if next token is TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN
        call and return PARSE_EXPRESSION
        if next token is not TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN
            exit with error message
    else if next token tk is TOKEN_ID
        if next token is TOKEN_OPEN_BRACKET
            call and return PARSE_INDEXING with tk
            if next token is not TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACKET
                exit with error message
        else return NODE_ID from tk
    else if next token tk is TOKEN_NUM
        return NODE_NUM from tk
    else if next token is TOKEN_FUNC_CALL
    else //meaningless expression
        exit with error message

As you can see, the precedence is handled by the layerization of precedence levels with different functions. Whenever the parse enters a place where it expects a sequence of tokens that make up a meaningful expression, it recursively descends into first a sum expression, then a product expression, and finally an atomic expression (which can be either a parenthesized arbitrary expression, an indexing expression, a single identifier expression, a single numeral expression, or a function call expression). The whole expression may be only an atomic expression, or a bunch of products of atomic expressions, or even a bunch of sums of products of atomic expressions!

Associativity is also easy, it is simply achieved by the line let lnd be snd in the above pseudocode. What this allows is that whenever the while loop iterates over to add in another summation operator (that is + or -) to the expression, it takes the previous sum node snd and stores it as the left node lnd of the next sum node.

Finally the type info synthesis is achieved by a simple type check (that includes the height and width checks for vectors and matrices) on the left and right nodes that are already parsed, which is followed by an assignment of type info on the sum node.

Code Generator

The final component of ML2C, target code generation, is where all the work done by the scanner and parser gives its fruit. The code generator simply does a depth first traversal of the parse tree passed on from the parser, and generates the target C code along the way.

The Generator struct that represents the code generator has a pointer both to a ParseTree tree and char code_string[]. The code_string array is dynamic (as in the sense of a dynamic array), it starts at a length of 100 characters and expands only when its capacity is reached.

Here's an example of how the generator works for variable definitions:

    if nd.data_type equals TYPE_SCALAR
        GENERATE ("double")
        GENERATE (nd.var_name)
        GENERATE (" = 0;")
    else if nd.data_type is one of TYPE_VECTOR or TYPE_MATRIX
        GENERATE ("double **")
        GENERATE (nd.var_name)
        GENERATE (" = allocate_matrix(")
        GENERATE (nd.height)
        GENERATE (", ")
        GENERATE (nd.width)
        GENERATE (");")

As you can see, both vector and matrices are implemented as double pointers in ML2C. Also, since C does not have a function to copy 2-dimensional by default, it is implemented as a custom defined function allocate_matrix(). Observe by the way how type information about nodes can be get readily since they were already synthesized in the parsing phase.

The Preamble

Since MatLang introduces functions and operations which do not belong to C by default, such as tr, choose, or matrix multiplication (which is actually overloaded into the operator *), ML2C implements a list of custom defined functions that achieves the desired behavior. This list of custom defined functions is stored in a header called preamble.h, so there is a #include "preamble.h" instruction at the the start of every ML2C output program.

Warning Our preamble definitions are required for the output file to compile.

If your MatLang program is not in the same directory as our source code, please COPY the preamble definition file preamble.h to that directory:

cp preamble.h path/to/program_dir

Here's a list of functions that exist in preamble.h:

  1. allocate_matrix(int height, int width)
  2. assign_mat_to_mat(double **mat1, double **mat2, int height, int width)
  3. assign_to_mat(double **, int height, int width, ...)
  4. mat_add(double **mat1, double **mat2, int height, int width)
  5. mat_sub(double **mat1, double **mat2, int height, int width)
  6. mat_mul(double **mat, int height, int width, double **, int height, int width)
  7. mat_sca_mul(double **mat, int height, int, double)
  8. tr(double **mat, int height, int width)
  9. choose(double expr1, double expr2, double expr3, double expr4)
  10. print(double num)
  11. print_num(double num)
  12. print_mat(double **, int height, int width)
  13. printsep()
  14. get_int(double scalar)

Almost all of these functions are self-explaining, except maybe the function assign_to_mat(), which is in fact a variadic function (a function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments) that assigns vector and matrix literals to vector and matrix variables. The reason that the function is variadic is because re-assignment to arrays in C is not possible, so the literal vectors and matrices are given as multiple scalar arguments.

1The word "parse tree" actually refers to something little different than an abstract syntax tree in the literature, but for the workings and purposes of ML2C, this distinction is irrelevant.