To each template class, you need to add the following functions:
// Name displayed in CMS
public function name(Request $request)
return 'Page template name';
// Fields displayed in CMS
// Nothing changed here during the upgrade
public function fields(Request $request): array
return [];
// Resolve data for serialization
public function resolve($page): array
// Modify data as you please (ie turn ID-s into models)
return $page->data;
If you previosuly used the resolveResponseUsing()
helper on the fields, you must remove that function and replace it with manual data retrieval inside the template's resolve
This is a working migration that migrates pages from Page Manager 4 from Page Manager 5.
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Outl1ne\PageManager\Models\Page;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
return new class extends Migration
const OLD_PAGES_TABLE_NAME = 'nova_page_manager_pages';
public function up()
$pageStructure = $this->getExistingPages();
foreach ($pageStructure as $rootPageItem) {
// Optionally drop old table
public function down()
// Theoretically possible, but not worth the effort
protected function createPageFromFormattedPageStructureItem($pageItem, $parentId = null)
$newPage = new Page();
$newPage->active = true;
$newPage->parent_id = $parentId;
$newPage->created_at = $pageItem['created_at'];
$newPage->updated_at = $pageItem['updated_at'];
$newPage->template = $pageItem['template'];
$newPage->setTranslations('name', $pageItem['name'] ?? []);
$newPage->setTranslations('slug', $pageItem['slug'] ?? []);
$newPage->data = $pageItem['data'] ?? [];
$newPage->seo = $pageItem['seo'] ?? [];
foreach ($pageItem['children'] ?? [] as $childPage) {
$this->createPageFromFormattedPageStructureItem($childPage, $newPage->id);
protected function getExistingPages()
$formatPages = function (Collection $pages) use (&$formatPages) {
$allPages = [];
$pages->each(function ($page) use (&$allPages, &$formatPages) {
$localeChildren = DB::table(static::OLD_PAGES_TABLE_NAME)->where('locale_parent_id', $page->id)->get();
$_pages = collect([$page, $localeChildren])->flatten();
$seoData = [];
$locales = $_pages->pluck('locale')->toArray();
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
$seoData[$locale] = [];
$seoData[$locale]['title'] = $_pages->pluck('seo_title', 'locale')->toArray()[$locale] ?? null;
$seoData[$locale]['description'] = $_pages->pluck('seo_description', 'locale')->toArray()[$locale] ?? null;
$seoData[$locale]['image'] = $_pages->pluck('seo_image', 'locale')->toArray()[$locale] ?? null;
$_data = [
'id' => $_pages->pluck('id', 'locale')->toArray(),
'locales' => $locales,
'created_at' => $_pages->max('created_at'),
'updated_at' => $_pages->max('updated_at'),
'name' => $_pages->pluck('name', 'locale')->toArray(),
'slug' => $_pages->pluck('slug', 'locale')->toArray(),
'data' => $_pages->pluck('data', 'locale')->map(fn ($data) => json_decode($data, true))->toArray(),
'seo' => $seoData,
'template' => $page->template,
$children = DB::table(static::OLD_PAGES_TABLE_NAME)->where('parent_id', $page->id)->get();
$_data['children'] = $formatPages($children);
$allPages[] = $_data;
return $allPages;
$parentPages = DB::table(static::OLD_PAGES_TABLE_NAME)->whereNull('locale_parent_id')->get();
return $formatPages($parentPages);