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ArgoCD Deploy Orb

Interacts with an ArgoCD API (currently only provides ability to wait for ArgoCD to be in sync)


You will need to use a context with ARGOCD_TOKEN populated with a token from the project your application resides in. See below on how to generate a token. This token can be re-used amongst all applications in your team's project; the role used should only provide read-only access to your project and its applications.

Example Usage

Wait for sync

The target must be the commmit hash you expect ArgoCD to sync with.

  argocd: ovotech/argocd@1.2.0

    executor: python
    context: jaws-nonprod # Must have ARGOCD_TOKEN in the context
    - gitops-deploy # Deploys to manifest repo, persists deployed commit hash as ARGO_TARGET_REVISION in $BASH_ENV
    - argocd/wait_for_sync:
        application: journey-meter-tariff-extractor
        target: $ARGO_TARGET_REVISION
        sync_request: True
    - run-test

Debugging issues

If you encounter any issues with the orb, set the environment to ARGOCD_ORB_DEBUG to true to have the orb print out the state of the target application.

Generating a token

This assumes you have an existing role associated with your project. This should just need read access.

In ArgoCD UI go to Settings

Click Projects and select your project name (i.e. your team name).

On the Roles table, select the desire role and create a JWT token at the bottom.

Important: Give the token a name that indicates its purpose but it must be unique within your project: if you create a token with the same name as a previously deleted one, the deleted token will be considered valid (unless expired). A token ID of the form circle-<unix timestamp> is recommended.

When created the token will appear at the bottom of the right-hand panel (you will have to scroll to see it). Copy the token; it will not be shown again.