All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
Unreleased - XXXX-XX-XX
1.6.0 - 2023-03-29
- #389 - feat: drop setup of user based encryption
- This version of the encryption app requires core 10.12.0 or later.
1.5.3 - 2022-08-01
- Handle the versions in the trashbin for the checksum verify command #361
1.5.2 - 2022-05-25
- Add increment option to fix-encrypted-version command #279
1.5.1 - 2021-05-28
- Use legacy-encoding setting for HSM also #269
command restores value to original if no fix is found #275- Determine encryption format correctly when using HSM #261
1.5.0 - 2021-03-11
- Add path option to FixEncryptedVersion command #218
- Make encryption repair for file and folder #4276
- Use PHP's built-in hash_hkdf function #215
- Unnecessary file size overhead (binary instead of base64) #210
- Code needs updating due to core icewind/streams 0.7.2 #198
- Prevent command encryption:fix-encrypted-version from printing file binary data #226
command to address issues related to encrypted versions #115
- Issues with recreating masterkeys when HSM is used #128