This assigment is about creating a report from data collected from a game called Heroes of Pymoli. The data is the purchases made by the users of the game. From this data a report has been created showing different meaningful insights.
The following information will be shown in the report:
Player Count
Total Number of Players
Purchasing Analysis (Total)
- Number of Unique Items
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Number of Purchases
- Total Revenue
Gender Demographics
- Percentage and Count of Male Players
- Percentage and Count of Female Players
- Percentage and Count of Other / Non-Disclosed
Purchasing Analysis by Gender
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
- Average Purchase Total per Person by Gender
Age Demographics (Using bins)
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
- Average Purchase Total per Person by Age Group
Top Spenders (top 5)
- Username (SN)
- Purchase Count
- Average Purchase Price
- Total Purchase Value
Most Popular Items (top 5)
- Item ID
- Item Name
- Purchase Count
- Item Price
- Total Purchase Value
Most Profitable Items (top 5)
- Item ID
- Item Name
- Purchase Count
- Item Price
- Total Purchase Value