Raspberry Pi, Unix Disto's and Windows Speed Camera Using python3, openCV, RPI camera module, USB Cam or IP/RTSP Cam
For Details See Program Features, Wiki Instructions and YouTube Videos.
Note re Bullseye
speed-cam.py will run using pi camera with libcamera, picamera2 under Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye, Bookworm,and later. Usbcam and IP/RTSP cameras
are also supported. For picamera library support (on Bullseye only) Run sudo raspi-config, Interface Options, then enable Legacy Camera option and Reboot.
IMPORTANT - A raspbian sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade will NOT be performed as part of
speed-install.sh so it is highly recommended you run these prior to install
to ensure your system is up-to-date.
Press GitHub copy icon on right side of code box below. Copied! will be displayed.
curl -L https://raw.github.com/pageauc/speed-camera/master/source/speed-install.sh | bash
On RPI putty SSH or terminal session right click, select paste then Enter to Download and Run speed-install.sh script.
To get started, see Instructions at the end of the install script. Initial default config.py setting is CALIBRATE_ON=True. You may also need to Align Camera using config.py ALIGN_CAM_ON=True setting. Once calibration is complete set CALIBRATE_ON=False
See Windows 10/11 or Apple Mac Docker Install Quick Start
or Windows or Unix Distro Installs without Docker
This project can run on a Raspberry Pi, Windows, Unix Distro computer. It is written in python3 and uses openCV to detect and track the x,y coordinates of the largest moving object in the camera view above a minimum pixel area and calculates speed based on calibration settings.
User variables are stored in the config.py file. Motion detection is restricted between MO_CROP_Y_UPPER, MO_CROP_Y_LOWER, MO_CROP_X_LEFT, MO_CROP_X_RIGHT variables (road or area of interest). MO_CROP_AUTO_ON = True overrides manual settings and will Auto calculate a rough crop area based on image size. Motion Tracking is controlled by the MO_TRACK_EVENT_COUNT variable in config.py. This sets the number of track events and the track length in pixels. This may need to be tuned for camera view, cpu speed, etc. Speed is calculated based on CAL_OBJ_PX_ and CAL_OBJ_MM_ variables for L2R and R2L motion direction. A video stream frame image will be captured and saved in media/images dated subfolders (optional) per variable IM_SUBDIR_MAX_FILES = 2000 For variable settings details see config.py file.
If LOG_DATA_TO_CSV = True then a speed-cam.csv file will be created/updated with event data stored in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. This can be imported into a spreadsheet, database, Etc program for further processing. Release 8.9 adds a sqlite3 database to store speed data. Default is data/speed_cam.db with data in the speed table. Database setting can be managed from config.py. Database is automatically created from config.py settings. For more details see How to Manage Sqlite3 Database
- menubox.sh script is a whiptail menu system to allow easier management of program settings and operation.
- speed-cam.py View operation and log messages in real time in terminal session. Can be used to monitor, troubleshoot and tune speed camera (see config.py for speed-cam.py settings)
- speed-cam.sh This bash script uses supervisorctl to manage start, stop, status, Etc of speed-cam.py Configured to autostart eg due to interruption of RTSP stream. See conf files in supervisor folder for details. Note: you must run ./speed-cam.sh install to initialize symbolic links to /etc/supervisor/conf.d folder. Stop running any speed-cam and/or websever processes before running ./speed-cam.sh start
- speed-web.py Allows viewing images, video and/or data from a web browser. This will display web server messages. (see config.py for speed-web.py settings)
- speed-web.sh This bash script uses supervisorctl to manage start, stop, status, Etc of speed-web.py. Configured to restart eg due to interruption See conf files in supervisor folder for details. Note: you must run ./speed-web.sh install to initialize symbolic links to /etc/supervisor/conf.d folder. Stop running any speed-cam and/or websever processes before running ./speed-web.sh start
- rclone Manage settings and setup for optional remote file sync to a remote storage service like google drive, DropBox and many others.
- sql-make-graph-count-totals.py Query sqlite database and Generate one or more matplotlib graph images and save to media/graphs folder. Graphs display counts by hour, day or month for specfied previous days and speed over. Multiple reports can be managed from the config.py GRAPH_RUN_LIST variable under matplotlib image settings section.
- sql-make-graph-speed-ave.py Query sqlite database and Generate one or more matplotlib graph images and save to media/graphs folder. Graphs display Average Speed by hour, day or month for specfied previous days and speed over. Multiple reports can be managed from the config.py GRAPH_RUN_LIST variable under matplotlib image settings section.
- sql-speed_gt.py Query sqlite database and Generate html formatted report with links to images and save to media/reports folder. Can accept parameters or will prompt user if run from console with no parameters
- makehtml.py Creates html files that combine csv and image data for easier viewing from a web browser and saved to media/html folder.
- speed-search.py allows searching for similar target object images using opencv template matching. Results save to media/search folder.
- alpr-speed.py This is a demo that processes existing speed camera images with a front or back view of vehicle using OPENALPR License plate reader. Output is saved to media/alpr folder. For installation, Settings and Run details see ALPR Wiki Documentaion
- YouTube Tutorial Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2WT3Qb0SIU
- YouTube Speed Lapse Video https://youtu.be/-xdB_x_CbC8
- YouTube Speed Camera Video https://youtu.be/eRi50BbJUro
- YouTube motion-track video https://youtu.be/09JS7twPBsQ
- How to Build a Cheap Homemade Speed Camera
- Speed Camera RPI Forum post https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1004150#p1004150
- YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/pageaucp
- Speed Camera GitHub Repo https://github.com/pageauc/speed-camera
Raspberry Pi computer and a RPI camera module installed
or USB Camera plugged in. Make sure hardware is tested and works. Most RPI models will work OK.
A quad core RPI will greatly improve performance due to threading. A recent version of
Raspbian operating system is Recommended.
MS Windows or Unix distro computer with a USB Web Camera plugged in and a
recent version of python installed
For Details See Wiki details.
It is recommended you upgrade to OpenCV version 3.x.x For Easy compile of opencv 3.4.2 from source See https://github.com/pageauc/opencv3-setup
For Windows or Unix computer platforms (non RPI or Debian) ensure you have the most up-to-date python version. For Download and Install python and Opencv
The latest python3 versions includes numpy and recent opencv version that is required to run this code. You will also need a USB web cam installed and working. To install this program access the GitHub project page at https://github.com/pageauc/speed-camera Select the green Clone or download button. The files will be cloned or zipped to a speed-camera folder. You can run the code from python IDLE application (recommended), GUI desktop or command prompt terminal window. Note bash .sh shell scripts will not work with windows unless special support for bash is installed for windows Eg http://win-bash.sourceforge.net/ http://www.cygwin.com/ Note: I have Not tested these.
speed camera supports a docker installation on
Apple Macintosh per System requirements and Instructions
Microsoft Windows 10/11 64 bit with BIOS Virtualization enabled
and Microsoft Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL 2
per System requirements and Instructions.
- Download and install Docker Desktop for your System
- Clone the GitHub Speed Camera repository using green Clone button (top right)
- Run docker-compose up from the directory you cloned the repo into.
- The Docker container will likely exit because it is using a default config.
- Edit the configuration file @
- Run docker-compose up per documentation
- Run docker build command locally to get a fresh image.
From logged in RPI SSH session or console terminal perform the following. Allows you to review install code before running
cd ~
wget https://raw.github.com/pageauc/speed-camera/master/source/speed-install.sh
more speed-install.sh # You can review code if you wish
chmod +x speed-install.sh
./speed-install.sh # runs install script.
cd ~/speed-camera
See How to Run speed-cam.py wiki section
IMPORTANT Speed Camera will start in CALIBRATE_ON = True Mode.
Review settings in config.py file and edit variables with nano as required.
You will need to perform a calibration to set the correct value for config.py CAL_OBJ_PX_ and CAL_OBJ_MM_ for
L2R and R2L directions. The variables are based on the distance from camera to objects being measured for speed.
See Calibration Procedure for more details.
The config.py motion tracking variable called track_counter = can be adjusted for your system and opencv version. Default is 5 but a quad core RPI3 and latest opencv version eg 3.4.2 can be 10-15 or possibly greater. This will require monitoring the verbose log messages in order to fine tune.
cd ~/speed-camera
Admin speed-camera Easier using menubox.sh (Once calibrated and/or testing complete)
View speed-cam data and trends from web browser per sample screen shots. These can be generated from Menubox.sh menu pick or by running scripts from console or via crontab schedule.
You can view recent or historical images directly from the speed web browser page. These are dynamically created
and show up-to-date images. Press the web page refresh button to update display
Some of this code is based on a YouTube tutorial by Kyle Hounslow using C here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6rPdRZzgjg
Thanks to Adrian Rosebrock jrosebr1 at http://www.pyimagesearch.com for the PiVideoStream Class code available on github at https://github.com/jrosebr1/imutils/blob/master/imutils/video/pivideostream.py
Have Fun
Claude Pageau
YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/pageaucp
GitHub Repo https://github.com/pageauc