Beast is Screenshot as a Service using Nodejs, Chrome and Aws Lamda.
Convert a webpage to an image using headless Chrome
Takes screenshot of any given URL/Html content
and returns base64
Memory allotted 2GB
This project uses the serverless-bundle plugin and the serverless-offline plugin. It supports:
- Generating optimized Lambda packages with Webpack
- Using ES6 or TypeScript in your handler functions
- Run API Gateway locally
- Use
serverless offline start
- Use
- Support for unit tests
- Run
npm test
to run your tests
- Run
- Sourcemaps for proper error messages
- Error message show the correct line numbers
- Works in production with CloudWatch
- Lint your code with ESLint
- Add environment variables for your stages
- No need to manage Webpack or Babel configs
To create a new Serverless project.
$ serverless install --url [git repo ur] --name my-project
Enter the new directory
$ cd my-project
Install the Node.js packages
$ npm install
To run a function on your local
$ serverless invoke local --function hello
To simulate API Gateway locally using serverless-offline
$ serverless offline start
yarn install
serverless.yml running command:
sls deploy
If any changes need environment setting, Change the value in serverless.yml file and rerun the sls deploy command.