This API documentation covers the MapBox Javascript API, an API for adding MapBox maps to webpages.
In order to use this API, you'll need to understand basic Javascript and mapping concepts. If you'd like to learn Javascript, start with an interactive course, a book or a printed book. If you'd like to learn more about maps, we've provided a helpful article explaining how web maps work.
The Javascript API is implemented as a Leaflet plugin. Leaflet is an open-source library that provides the basic ability to embed a map, like a MapBox map or a map from OpenStreetMap, into a page. The Leaflet API handles much of the fundamental operations of using maps, so this API documentation is meant to be used in conjunction with the Leaflet API reference.
The MapBox API includes Leaflet and makes it easier to integrate Leaflet with MapBox's maps and services.
Here's a simple page that you can set up with MapBox.js:
<link href='//' rel='stylesheet' />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<link href='//' rel='stylesheet' />
<script src='//'></script>
#map {
<div id='map' class='dark'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var map ='map', '')
.setView([37.9, -77], 5);
The necessary Javascript and CSS files for the map are hosted on MapBox's servers, so they're served from a worldwide content-distribution network. There's no API key required to include the Javascript API - you'll identify with MapBox's services simply by using your own custom maps.
This documentation is organized by methods in the Javascript API. Each method
is shown with potential arguments, and their types. For instance, the setFilter
method on L.mapbox.markerLayer
is documented as:
markerLayer.setFilter(filter: function)
The format filter: function
means that the single argument to setFilter
, a filter
function, should be a Javascript function. Other kinds of arguments include
, string
, or Element
When the API has a Javascript constructor function that returns an object, the constructor
is documented with its full name and the functions on the object are named with just
the type of the object. For instance, L.mapbox.markerLayer
documents a function that
returns a layer for markers. The methods on that object are then documented as
, markerLayer.getGeoJSON
, and so on.
Like many other Javascript libraries, some of what the MapBox.js plugin does
is asynchronous - when
you create a layer like L.mapbox.tileLayer('')
, the layer
doesn't immediately know which tiles to load and its attribution information.
Instead, it loads this information with an AJAX
For most things you'll write, this isn't a problem, since MapBox.js does a good
job of handling these on-the-fly updates. If you're writing code that needs
to know when layers and other dynamically-loaded objects are ready, you can
use the ready
event to listen for their ready state. For instance:
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('');
layer.on('ready', function() {
// the layer has been fully loaded now, and you can
// call .getTileJSON and investigate its properties
Similarly, dynamically-loaded objects produce an error
event if something
goes wrong, like if the map ID you provide is a 404:
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('');
layer.on('error', function(err) {
// for some reason, this layer didn't load.
// you can find out more with the 'err' argument
// passed to this function
This library takes advantage of several open specifications, including TileJSON and UTFGrid.
For the purposes of this API, TileJSON is used as a way to describe maps and resources, so it is the configuration format given to layers, maps, and controls. UTFGrid is a fast way to interact with maps with tooltips and customizable behaviors, and is easy to define and produce in TileMill.
The MapBox marker API and the L.mapbox.markers
interface use GeoJSON,
a simple, open standard for geo-data based on JSON
and simple features, like Points and Polygons.
MapBox.js is optimized for mobile devices and small screens by default. There are however best practices to make sure your map always looks its best.
Having the ability to use retina tiles when the device supports them is easy. When creating the map, use the detectRetina
to verify if retina is available and retinaVersion
to use a tilelayer which is designed for retina screens.
var map ='map', '', {
detectRetina: true,
retinaVersion: ''
}).setView([40, -74.50], 9);
Modern mobile browsers now support scaling of webpages by leveraging the meta tag viewport
. This enlarges the window making your map look better on a mobile device. Simply include this in the head of your document:
If you're planning on having a page that has large amounts of scrolling, try to avoid a large map height. Having a 'tall' map can cause the user to get stuck on the map while scrolling. Another way around this is to disable dragging
for mobile devices: map.dragging.disable();
By default, MapBox.js includes a bundled version of Leaflet that MapBox has ensured is compatible. However, a standalone version of MapBox.js is also available without Leaflet included, which you can use if you would like to supply your own version of Leaflet. You will need to include Leaflet's JavaScript and CSS files, and Leaflet 0.6 or greater is required.
Here's an example of using standalone MapBox.js:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link href='//' rel='stylesheet' />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src='//'></script>
#map {
<div id='map' class='dark'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var map ='map', '')
.setView([37.9, -77], 5);
Create and automatically configure a map with layers, markers, and interactivity.
The first argument is required and must be the id of an element, or a DOM element reference.
The second argument is optional and can be:
- A map
- A URL to TileJSON, like
- A TileJSON object, from your own Javascript code
The third argument is optional. If provided, it is the same options as provided to L.Map with the following additions:
(boolean | object). If true, aL.mapbox.tileLayer
is added to the map based on the TileJSON. The value can also be an object which specifies options for the tileLayer. Default:true
(boolean | object). If true, aL.mapbox.markerLayer
is added to the map based on the TileJSON. The value can also be an object which specifies options for the markerLayer. Default:true
(boolean | object). If true, aL.mapbox.gridLayer
is added to the map based on the TileJSON. The value can also be an object which specifies options for the gridLayer. Default:true
(boolean | object). If true, aL.mapbox.legendControl
is added to the map. The value can also be an object which specifies options for the legendControl. Default:true
// map refers to a <div> element with the ID map
// is the ID of a map on
var map ='map', '');
// map refers to a <div> element with the ID map
// This map will have no layers initially
var map ='map');
Returns: a map object
Returns this map's TileJSON object which determines its tile source, zoom bounds and other metadata.
Arguments: none
Returns: the TileJSON object
You can add a tiled layer to your map with L.mapbox.tileLayer()
, a simple
interface to layers from MapBox and elsewhere.
The first argument is required and must be:
- An
- A URL to TileJSON, like
- A TileJSON object, from your own Javascript code
The second argument is optional. If provided, it is the same options as provided to L.TileLayer with one addition:
, if provided, is an alternative value for the first argument toL.mapbox.tileLayer
which, if retina is detected, is used instead.
// the second argument is optional
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('');
// you can also provide a full url to a tilejson resource
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('');
// if provided,you can support retina tiles
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('', {
detectRetina: true,
// if retina is detected, this layer is used instead
retinaVersion: ''
Returns a L.mapbox.tileLayer
Returns this layer's TileJSON object which determines its tile source, zoom bounds and other metadata.
Arguments: none
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('')
// since layers load asynchronously through AJAX, use the
// `.on` function to listen for them to be loaded before
// calling `getTileJSON()`
.on('load', function() {
// get TileJSON data from the loaded layer
var TileJSON = layer.getTileJSON();
Returns: the TileJSON object
Set the image format of tiles in this layer. You can use lower-quality tiles in order to load maps faster
an image format. valid options are: 'png', 'png32', 'png64', 'png128', 'png256', 'jpg70', 'jpg80', 'jpg90'
// Downsample tiles for faster loading times on slow
// internet connections
var layer = L.mapbox.tileLayer('', {
format: 'jpg70'
Returns: the layer object
An L.mapbox.gridLayer
loads UTFGrid tiles of
interactivity into your map, which you can easily access with L.mapbox.gridControl
The first argument is required and must be:
- An
- A URL to TileJSON, like
- A TileJSON object, from your own Javascript code
// the second argument is optional
var layer = L.mapbox.gridLayer('');
Returns a L.mapbox.gridLayer
Returns this layer's TileJSON object which determines its tile source, zoom bounds and other metadata.
Arguments: none
var layer = L.mapbox.gridLayer('')
// since layers load asynchronously through AJAX, use the
// `.on` function to listen for them to be loaded before
// calling `getTileJSON()`
.on('load', function() {
// get TileJSON data from the loaded layer
var TileJSON = layer.getTileJSON();
Returns: the TileJSON object
Load data for a given latitude, longitude point on the map, and call the callback function with that data, if any.
an L.LatLng objectcallback
a function that is called with the grid data as an argument
Returns: the L.mapbox.gridLayer object
provides an easy way to integrate GeoJSON
from MapBox and elsewhere into your map.
- required and must be:
- An
- A URL to TileJSON, like
- A GeoJSON object, from your own Javascript code
The second argument is optional. If provided, it is the same options as provided to L.FeatureGroup, as well as:
: A function that accepts a feature object and returnstrue
to indicate whether it should be displayed on the map. This can be changed later usingsetFilter
: A function that accepts a string containing tooltip data, and returns a sanitized result for HTML display. The default will remove dangerous script content, and is recommended.
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer(geojson)
Returns a L.mapbox.markerLayer
Load GeoJSON data for this layer from the URL given by url
a URL referencing a GeoJSON resource
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer()
Returns: the layer object
Load marker GeoJSON data from a map with the given id
on MapBox.
a map id
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer()
// loads markers from the map `` on MapBox,
// if that map has markers
Returns: the layer object
Sets the filter function for this data layer.
- a function that takes GeoJSON features and returns true to show and false to hide features.
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer(geojson)
// hide all markers
.setFilter(function() { return false; })
Returns the markerLayer object.
Gets the filter function for this data layer.
Arguments: none
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer(geojson)
// hide all markers
.setFilter(function() { return false; })
// get the filter function
var fn = markerLayer.getFilter()
Returns the filter function.
Set the contents of a markers layer: run the provided features through the filter function and then through the factory function to create elements for the map. If the layer already has features, they are replaced with the new features. An empty array will clear the layer of all features.
, an array of GeoJSON feature objects, or omitted to get the current value.
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.markerLayer(geojson)
// a simple GeoJSON featureset with a single point
// with no properties
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [{
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [102.0, 0.5]
properties: { }
Returns the markerLayer object
Get the contents of this layer as GeoJSON data.
Arguments: none
Returns the GeoJSON represented by this layer
A low-level interface to geocoding, useful for more complex uses and reverse geocoding.
- (required) must be:
- An
that points to TileJSON, like
Returns a L.mapbox.geocoder
Queries the geocoder with a query string, and returns its result, if any.
- (required) a query, expressed as a string, like 'Arkansas'
- (required) a callback
The callback is called with arguments
An error, if any
The result. This is an object with the following members:
{ results: // raw results latlng: // a map-friendly latlng array bounds: // geojson-style bounds of the first result lbounds: // leaflet-style bounds of the first result }
Returns: the geocoder object. The return value of this function is not useful - you must use a callback to get results.
Queries the geocoder with a location, and returns its result, if any.
(required) a query, expressed as an object:
[lon, lat] // an array of lon, lat { lat: 0, lon: 0 } // a lon, lat object { lat: 0, lng: 0 } // a lng, lat object
The first argument can also be an array of objects in that form to geocode more than one item.
- (required) a callback
The callback is called with arguments
- An error, if any
- The result. This is an object of the raw result from MapBox.
Returns: the geocoder object. The return value of this function is not useful - you must use a callback to get results.
A map control that shows legends added to maps in MapBox. Legends are auto-detected from active layers.
- (optional) an options object. Beyond the default options for map controls, this object has one special parameter:
: A function that accepts a string containing legend data, and returns a sanitized result for HTML display. The default will remove dangerous script content, and is recommended.
var map ='map').setView([38, -77], 5);
Returns: a L.mapbox.legendControl
Adds a legend to the legendControl.
- (required) legend data, a string which may contain HTML. It will be sanitized by the legendControl's sanitizer option.
Removes a legend from the legendControl.
- (required) legend data to remove.
Interaction is what we call interactive parts of maps that are created with the powerful tooltips & regions system in TileMill. Under the hood, it's powered by the open UTFGrid specification..
The first argument must be a layer created with
The second argument can be an options object. Valid options are:
: A function that accepts a string containing interactivity data, and returns a sanitized result for HTML display. The default will remove dangerous script content, and is recommended. -
: A string in the Mustache template language that will be evaluated with data from the grid to produce HTML for the interaction. -
: Whether the tooltip should follow the mouse in a constant relative position, or should be fixed in the top-right side of the map. By default, this isfalse
and the tooltip is stationary. -
: Whether clicking will 'pin' the tooltip open and expose a 'close' button for the user to close the tooltip. By default, this istrue
. -
: On touch devices, show theteaser
formatter if there is no output from thefull
formatter. By default, this istrue
. -
: Evaluate thelocation
formatter on click events, and if it provides output, navigate to that location. By default, this istrue
var map ='map').setView([38, -77], 5);
var gridLayer = L.mapbox.gridLayer('');
Returns: a L.mapbox.gridControl
Adds geocoder functionality as well as a UI element to a map. This uses the MapBox Geocoding API.
This function is currently in private beta: contact MapBox before using this functionality.
- (required) either:
- An
- A URL to TileJSON, like
var map ='map')
.setView([37, -77], 5)
Returns a L.mapbox.geocoderControl
Set the url used for geocoding.
- a geocoding url
Returns: the geocoder control object
Set the map id used for geocoding.
- a map id to geocode from
Returns: the geocoder control object
Set the TileJSON used for geocoding.
- A TileJSON object
Returns: the geocoder object
Bind a listener to an event emitted by the geocoder control. Supported additional events are
: success in finding a location. Called with a single argument, the result.error
: failure to find a location. Called with the raw HTTP error from MapBox.
Adds a "Share" button to the map, which can be used to share the map to Twitter or Facebook, or generate HTML for a map embed.
- (optional) either:
A URL to TileJSON, like
If not supplied, the TileJSON from the map is used.
- (optional) Options for L.Control.
Also accepts the following options:
: the URL of a page to which the share control will link instead of the URL of the current page or that specified in TileJSON data.
var map ='map', '')
.setView([37, -77], 5)
Returns a L.mapbox.shareControl
A core icon generator used in
- A properties object from a GeoJSON feature object
A L.Icon
object with custom settings for iconUrl
, iconSize
, iconAnchor
and popupAnchor
An icon generator for use in conjunction with pointToLayer
to generate
markers from the MapBox Markers API
and support the simplestyle-spec for
- A GeoJSON feature object
- The latitude, longitude position of the marker
L.geoJson(geoJson, {
A L.Marker
object with the latitude, longitude position and a styled marker
A HTML sanitization function, with the same effect as the default value
of the sanitizer
option of L.mapbox.markerLayer
, L.mapbox.gridControl
and L.mapbox.legendControl
A mustache template rendering function, as used
by the templating feature provided by L.mapbox.gridControl
var output = L.mapbox.template('Name: {{name}}', {name: 'John'});
// output is "Name: John"
Mapbox.js implements a simple, light style on all interaction elements. A dark theme
is available by applying class="dark"
to the map div.
<div id="map" class="dark"></div>